Intellispire Thrive Shortcodes

Extra Shortcodes for use with Thrive Themes

Author:Intellispire (profile at
WordPress version required:5.2
WordPress version tested:5.4.14
Plugin version:1.0.0
Added to WordPress repository:07-05-2020
Last updated:07-05-2020
Warning! This plugin has not been updated in over 2 years. It may no longer be maintained or supported and may have compatibility issues when used with more recent versions of WordPress.
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This shortcode plugin was build for a site running Easy Digital Downloads where I wanted to list the downloads tags and
categories in the footer, but have it styled just like the theme. I also realized it would be easy to add
a menu, so that capability was added as well.

This plugin adds a dynamic list element shortcode that can use any menu or taxonomy as input, and outputs an unordered list
to your site. Based on the the thrive_dynamic_list, the output will be styled based on your theme’s
settings if you have the Thrive Theme Builder installed. Otherwise, you can use css using the
‘intellispire-shortcode-dynamic-list’ class to style the element.

This plugin works best when Thrive Themes Shapeshift theme is installed, however the theme is not required to
use the plugin.

Currently, one shortcode is supplied:


And has the following attributes:
– type: tags categories, or menu
– number: the number of items to display (5 by default)
– taxonomy: for tags or categories, you can specify the taxonomy


Display the Downloads tags from Easy Digital Downloads:
[intellispire_thrive_dynamic_list type=”tags” number=”5″ taxonomy=”download_tag”]

Display the items from Menu 1:
[intellispire_thrive_dynamic_list type=”menu” menu=”Menu 1″]