
Mouse Wheel zoom picture when you onclick it,All photo will show !You not need use code! You also use sample:[imgShow:] this is ok Support for ie, fi

Author:liyz (profile at
WordPress version required:2.1
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Plugin version:2.1
Added to WordPress repository:04-04-2010
Last updated:17-04-2012
Warning! This plugin has not been updated in over 2 years. It may no longer be maintained or supported and may have compatibility issues when used with more recent versions of WordPress.
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Mouse Wheel zoom picture when you onclick it; You not need use code! You also can use code :[imgShow:<img src="" border="0" alt="skag" width="560"/>] This is ok Support for ie, firefox, chrome, opera, Safari Do not want to make the corresponding picture effect is enabled, you can use to prevent the effect of