HW Image Widget

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Image widget that will allow you to choose responsive or fixed sized behavior. Includes TinyMCE rich text editing of the text description.

Author:Håkan Wennerberg (profile at wordpress.org)
WordPress version required:3.5
WordPress version tested:4.2.1
Plugin version:4.4
Added to WordPress repository:10-03-2013
Last updated:28-04-2015
Warning! This plugin has not been updated in over 2 years. It may no longer be maintained or supported and may have compatibility issues when used with more recent versions of WordPress.
Rating, %:88
Rated by:14
Plugin URI:http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/hw-image-...
Total downloads:38 635
Active installs:1 000+
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This widget requires WordPress 3.5 or newer.

Primary features of HW Image Widget:

  • Allow you to choose responsive or fixed behavior.
  • Fixed sized images allow you to define width/height with, or without kept aspect ratio.
  • Responsive sized images will allow you to define "fill width" or not.
  • Uses TinyMCE for rich text editing of the image text field.
  • Allow you to create a custom widget HTML-template in the active theme to override the default layout.
  • Default settings can be overridden using filter.
  • Works with Carrington Build.
  • Works with the theme customizer.
  • Available in English and Swedish.

For more info, visit http://webartisan.se/hw-image-widget/
