Tipsiest Postcode

This widget shows how well does your uk postcode rank based on a number of criteria such as population, house prices, crime rate, etc.

Author:Gartoo - Lokku Labs (profile at
WordPress version required:2.9
WordPress version tested:3.0.5
Plugin version:1.06
Added to WordPress repository:08-02-2011
Last updated:07-05-2011
Warning! This plugin has not been updated in over 2 years. It may no longer be maintained or supported and may have compatibility issues when used with more recent versions of WordPress.
Rating, %:0
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Plugin URI:
Total downloads:1 359
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How Tipsy is Your Town is a fun widget that shows users how tipsy their town is in relation to towns in the surrounding areas based on the number of pubs in each postcode.

The widget also links to a heatmap of the user's city showing the distribution of pubs in the area, which on a national scale have a negative correlation with house prices and crime rate.

This widget was built by property search engine Gartoo.
