Hikari Titled Comments enables each comment to have a title, so that commentators can give a subject meaning to their comments.
Author: | Hikari (profile at wordpress.org) |
WordPress version required: | 2.9.0 |
WordPress version tested: | 2.9.2 |
Plugin version: | 0.02.02 |
Added to WordPress repository: | 08-03-2010 |
Last updated: | 13-03-2010
Warning! This plugin has not been updated in over 2 years. It may no longer be maintained or supported and may have compatibility issues when used with more recent versions of WordPress.
Rating, %: | 0 |
Rated by: | 0 |
Plugin URI: | http://hikari.ws/titled-comments/ |
Total downloads: | 6 113 |
Active installs: | 20+ |

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One of the best features Drupal has and I miss in WordPress is the possibility to set title to comments.
With a title, we can identify the comment subject, it can be resumed to a phrase. Comments become more similar to articles and aggregate more value.
I like to see comments as mini-articles. The post being the main article and comments being mini-articles that extend the main one. Now with title, WordPress comments are a bit closer to that approach.
Hikari Titled Comments enables each comment to have a title, so that commentators can give a subject meaning to their comments.
- Comments titles are stored as comment metadata.
- It's easy for themes to add support the plugin, being the support optional and when the plugin is not available the support just remains hidden.
- A simple function prints the comment title if there is one, or prints nothing if current comment doesn't have a title.
- Comments titles can be edited from admin comment edit page.
I dedicate Hikari Titled Comments to Chiih-chan, my kawaii great frient ^-^

A normal comment without a title

The same comment, now with a title/subject

Exemple of a comment form with the title input text

Edit Comment Admin Page, with the title metabox
Isn’t there a way to use comment title without editing my theme?
Unfortunately no. The only action hook that WordPress offers as default for themes to have in comments is ‘comment_form’, that normally is added below the comment textarea, it doesn’t offer enough flexibility. And also there is no way for a plugin to include title to comments.
In reality, it could be done, but these 2 elements would hardly fit to themes layouts, you’d have a lot of trouble styling them, so it’s much easier to just edit the theme.
My theme uses WordPress default comment building, it doesn’t have the *callback* function, can I add title to my site comments?
You can, but you’ll have to create that function. If you’re using the default code, your comments are already simple, so just search the Web for a tutorial teaching how to create it. Then you’ll be able to add title to your site comments 🙂
I use a free downloaded theme, I know nothing about HTML or CSS and the theme author doesn’t provide support, can you help me do it?
I’d love to be able to help, but it would require a few hours examining the theme, and even more time if its comment code is very different from standard, or some work if it uses WordPress default comment code.
Many themes also have damn ugly code that is pratically unreadable (if you’ve never read themes codes, believe me, I’ve already used a theme that was pretty looking in the browser but its code almost made me suicide its author!).
Unfortunately I don’t have the time to do it. You of course can contact me if you find a bug or have any trouble that may involve my plugin code, but please don’t ask me for themes support.
Can I add title to old comments and edit title of comments after they are created?
Yes, just go to Edit Comment Admin Page.
Go to the admin page where you see a list of your site comments and click the edit option (not the quick edit!) for the comment you wanna edit. In the page that will open, below the comment textarea there will be a box with an input text containing its current title (or empty if the comment has no title). Edit it as you want and save the comment 🙂
Can I have a usage exemple?
Sure, go to my plugin’s home page and add comments saying what you think about having titles in comments 🙂
Does the plugin have security protection? Does it filter submited title? Can a hacker or a spammer use it to gain control of my site?
When a registered user edits an existing comment’s title, wpnonce is used against the plugin filename AND this comment ID, so WordPress controls security regarding somebody trying to force a comment title change. A user also must have permission to edit a post to edit its comments’ titles.
For a new comment being created, I’ve used no special security measure. If a user or visitor is allowed to create a comment, he is allowed to give it a title too. I let WordPress manage permissions to add new comments, if it’s not allowed WordPress will simply not trigger the action that Hikari Titled Comments plugin uses to create the title. There are also spam protection plugins that deal with permissions to add comments.
Now, regarding what a user can use in a title (add a link to it for exemple), I’ve used the filter wp_filter_kses()
to control it, it’s the same filter used in the comment body. In the same way WordPress works, if a user has ‘unfiltered_html’ permission, his comment body and title are not filtered, and if he doesn’t have this permission the filter is used.
And if you also use the Hikari Email & URL Obfuscator plugin, it will obfuscate any link that may exist in a title 🙂
With these measures, I belive comment title is dealt in a similar way comment body is, I don’t believe comment title must or should have deeper control than comment body. But if you think it should be done differently, just add a comment, with title 😉 , to the plugin homepage with your ideas and concerns 🙂
0.02 – 13/03/2010
- Fix: removed code to delete comment title when a comment is deleted, WordPress core handles deleting comments metadata by itself.
- Fix: fixed a bug where all titles were deleted when a comment without title (or having its title deleted) was editied. Update ASAP to not have your titles deleted by the bug!
0.01 – 05/03/2010