Google Plus Author Information in Search Result (GPAISR)

Replaces the author link with your Google+ Profile Link or adds a special link after every blogpost

Author:WP-Buddy (profile at
WordPress version required:3.5
WordPress version tested:4.1
Plugin version:0.8.0
Added to WordPress repository:08-05-2012
Last updated:23-12-2014
Warning! This plugin has not been updated in over 2 years. It may no longer be maintained or supported and may have compatibility issues when used with more recent versions of WordPress.
Rating, %:86
Rated by:11
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Total downloads:90 804
Active installs:6 000+
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Note that Google no longer shows authorship information on search results. Due to this fact I will no longer update this plugin.

I've built another easy and free WordPress plugin. It will help you to integrate a special link into your posts and pages so that Google can match your content with your Google+ Profile. Once this is done your profile picture will appear in Googles search results and/or on Google News. Please note: Google says that there is no guarantee that a Rich Snippet will be shown for your page on actual search results and/or Google News. If your profile picture does not show after some days, please read my answer on Google+ Author Snippet Photo not showing in search.

A) Set up authorship by linking your content to your Google+ profile

  • Create a Google+ Profile (
  • Follow this link to open your Google+ profile:
  • Copy your Profile-URL from the address bar to clipboard
  • Go to your WordPress Admin Panel and click Users » Your Profile. Paste the above mentioned URL to the field where it says „Google Plus Author Link“.
  • Click Update Profile.
  • Repeat the above steps with all the other WordPress authors on your blog.

B) Add a reciprocal link back from your profile to the site you just updated

  • Follow this link to edit the Contributor To section:
  • In the dialog that appears, click Add custom link, and then enter your website URL.
  • If you want, click the drop-down list to specify who can see the link.
  • Click Save.

C) Test

  • To see what author data Google can extract from your page, use the Rich Snippet Testing Tool.

D) Anything doesn't work out?

E) Need more options?

F) Need support?

  • Unfortunately we can not offer support for free plugins. Please buy the Pro version to get support. Thank you!

G) Looking for a WordPress Theme which fully supports microdata?

H) Please help to translate the plugin Just make a copy of the gpaisr.po file (which you can find in the /lang/ folder of the plugin) and translate it using a translation tool like PoEdit.


If you have any further questions, please