Gleam Shortcodes

Add a simple list of shortcodes to WordPress in order to display the current user information.

Author:Gleamfuture IT Services (profile at
WordPress version required:4.6
WordPress version tested:4.8.24
Plugin version:1.0
Added to WordPress repository:05-08-2017
Last updated:05-08-2017
Warning! This plugin has not been updated in over 2 years. It may no longer be maintained or supported and may have compatibility issues when used with more recent versions of WordPress.
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Total downloads:3 887
Active installs:10+
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This plugin display the Current user information as well as its meta information.

This plugin is very flexible you can get users meta by meta key, it will display the value that user meta property.

This shortcodes works only for loged in users.

This plugin has the following shortcodes

[displayusers_meta meta="meta key"] - Display the loggedin users metas value according to parameter<br>
[display_firstname] - Display the Loggedin user firstname<br>
[display_lastname] - Display the Loggedin user lastname<br>
[display_displayname] - Display the Loggedin user name<br>
[display_userid] - Display the Loggedin userid
[display_username] - Display the user name ID<br>
[display_useremail] - Display the Loggedin useremail<br>
