Flexible Modals

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Flexible Modal is a very simple plugin to add modal windows to your WordPress content using shortcodes.

Author:S. Bage (profile at wordpress.org)
WordPress version required:3.5
WordPress version tested:3.9.1
Plugin version:0.2
Added to WordPress repository:22-07-2014
Last updated:24-07-2014
Warning! This plugin has not been updated in over 2 years. It may no longer be maintained or supported and may have compatibility issues when used with more recent versions of WordPress.
Rating, %:70
Rated by:4
Plugin URI:http://www.wpsnippet.com
Total downloads:6 646
Active installs:60+
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Modal windows are interesting way to include extran information on a page. adaptive-modal.js makes it beautiful. You can use this little plugin which uses the same jQuery plugin to creae modal windows easily in any page or post or even on a widget uisng shortcode.

I have also added another functionality into this plugin, which will let you to embed your modal content into your post a page directly.


Upon activation, the plugin will create a custom post type called 'Modals'. Where you can add your content, which later you can use it on a modal or embed directly into your page or post.

  1. [modal]
  2. [block]


the 'modal' shortcode is to create modal windows.

For now the [modal] shortcode comes with four attributes.

id Your modal id. eg: [modal id=2]Click here[/modal]

data If your modal only going to have just text, you can directly add the content in the shortcode. eg: [modal data="This is my modal content"]Click here[/modal]. This shortcode is much useful when you want to add a modal window to a word in a paragrap without braking the paragrap.

note: you cannot use both id and data in the same shortcode

background This is to style the link and the modal window background. Have to specify a valid color. eg: [modal id=2 background="#DDDDDD"]Click here[/modal]

color This attribute is to change the color of the link. eg: [modal id=2 background="#DDDDDD" color="#000000"]Click here[/modal]


The 'block' shortcode is to embed your modal content into any page or post. It only has one attribute.

id id of the modal post type post.

note: both block and modal shortcodes uses the same Modals custom post type.
