Filter Email Notifications

Stop WordPress from sending email notifications for comments that have been manually approved.

Author:scribu (profile at
WordPress version required:3.0
WordPress version tested:3.0.5
Plugin version:0.7.1
Added to WordPress repository:10-09-2008
Last updated:13-09-2012
Warning! This plugin has not been updated in over 2 years. It may no longer be maintained or supported and may have compatibility issues when used with more recent versions of WordPress.
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Total downloads:4 100
Active installs:10+
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You're the only user who can create posts and moderate comments on your WordPress installation.

You have both 'Email me when anyone posts a comment' and 'Email me when a comment is held for moderation' options checked.

You get an email about a comment awaiting moderation and you approve it.

The problem is that right after that you get a second email letting you know that a new comment has been posted, which of course you already knew about.


Instead of disabling email notifications for new comments alltogether, you can use this plugin and not receive the redundant emails mentioned above.

Links: Plugin News | Author's Site
