Fast Blocks

Create Custom Blocks fast and easy with PHP only.

Author:Tom D (profile at
WordPress version required:5.7
WordPress version tested:6.6.2
Plugin version:0.9.2
Added to WordPress repository:26-05-2021
Last updated:24-10-2024
Rating, %:0
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Total downloads:1 465
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Use the function add_fast_block to add a block to your theme in PHP. The Plugin automatically creates a interface for your block inside the editor.
Unlike the default block behaviour all blocks are rendered dynamically. This means changes inside the template are shown immediately without resaving the post or page.

Example Usage

Register your block:

$options = [
  'name'      => 'some-slug/block-name',
  // template from theme-directory
  'template'  => '/blocks/test.php',
  'settings'  => [
    // same settings as the original "wp.registerBlockType" without attributes.
    'title'   => 'Plugin Block',
  'fields'    => [
    // define attributes and inputs/labels etc. that are needed.
    'headline'  => [
      'label'    => 'My Label',
      'type'     => 'string',
      'input'      => 'text',
      'default'  => 'default string',
      'width' => 0.5, // optional for all fields except repeater
      // optional selector: useful fallback if dynamic rendering does not work. Also good for WP SEO PLugins.
      'selector' => 'h2',
    'text'  => [
      'label'    => 'Some Text',
      'type'     => 'string',
      'input'      => 'richText',
      'default'  => 'default string',
    'image'   => [
      'label'   => 'Label for the Upload Button',
      'type'    => 'object',
      'input'   => 'image',
      'default' => [
        'url'   => 'image.jpeg',
        'alt'   => 'Alternative Text',
        'sizes' => []
    'bgColor' => [
      'label'   => 'Background',
      'type'    => 'string',
      'default' => 'light',
      'input'     => 'select',
      'options' => [
        ['label' => 'light', 'value' => 'light'],
        ['label' => 'dark', 'value' => 'dark'],
    'someBool' => [
      // ...
      'type'    => 'boolean',
      'input'   => 'checkbox',
    'someArray' => [
      // ...
      'type' => 'array',
      'default' => [],
      'input' => 'repeater',
      'query' => [
        'subField1' => [
          'type' => 'string',
          'input' => 'text',
          'default' => 'default list item',
        'subField2' => [
          'type' => 'boolean',
          'input' => 'checkbox',
          'default' => true,

add_fast_block( $options );

Available inputs: text, richText, checkbox, toggle, select, image, url, email, date.
At the moment default values are mandatory.

Example usage inside template:

  <h2><?php $block->field('headline'); ?></h2>
  <img src="<?php echo $block->field_value('image')['url']; ?>">

For $block->field function sanitizing is done with wp_kses_post. If you need more complex sanitizing, use $block->field_value, sanitize on your own and echo the value afterwards.
