Fake Traffic Blaster

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Protect WordPress blogs from fake traffic by redirecting suspicious visitors away from your blog.

Author:Hesham Zebida & Mo Osam (profile at wordpress.org)
WordPress version required:3.0
WordPress version tested:3.3.2
Plugin version:0.1
Added to WordPress repository:21-02-2012
Last updated:21-02-2012
Warning! This plugin has not been updated in over 2 years. It may no longer be maintained or supported and may have compatibility issues when used with more recent versions of WordPress.
Rating, %:0
Rated by:0
Plugin URI:http://faketrafficblaster.com/
Total downloads:3 954
Active installs:40+
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The Fake Traffic Blaster is a lightweight plugin that protects WordPress from fake traffic by redirecting suspicious visitors away from your blog.

What is Fake Traffic

Fake traffic is simply a simulation, it is a black hat technique that allow you to generate traffic to your blog, but this traffic is not real, This means it is generating by a bot or a software, no humans are involved, thus no conversion. The reason is to game the statistics, and show that you are getting a lot of traffic.

So, We hope you understand the fact that Fake Traffic is something you really do not want to get on your blog.

What type of Fake Traffic we are talking about here?

Black hat tools used in such attacks usually use OLEs/OCX objects to enable certain functionality in their tools. In Windows that is Internet Explorer APIs. The API will make http requests look like as if they were coming from an IE browser.

Why Would Someone Send Your Blog Fake Traffic?

This could be a serious attack from one of your competitors who wants to hurt your blog reputation, of course if this happened to you, then no doubt you would like to know who is this competitor! But it is almost impossible to know, so do not wast your time on this, and focus on solving the problem and protecting your blog.

Read the story behind Fake Traffic and th creations of the plugin.

How Fake Traffic Can Hurt Your Blog?

  • Hijack your blog ranking in search engine.
  • Hurt your blog stats being showing fake results.
  • Disable your blog by exceed your hosting bandwidth quota.
  • Disable your shared hosting account for extensive use of CPU resources.
  • Get your Google AdSense account suspended (Read: Ad Traffic Quality Resource Center.
  • Affect your business reputation and integrity.
  • And, more…

So, it is a good idea to install the Fake Traffic Blaster plugin, and protect your blog from such attacks.

This plugin is coded by Famous Bloggers and Bloggers Network.
