EZYcount Accounting

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Create booking entries automatically in your EZYcount accounting from your Woocommerce confirmed orders based on product categories and payment method …

Author:EZYcount (profile at wordpress.org)
WordPress version required:
WordPress version tested:5.5.5
Plugin version:1.1
Added to WordPress repository:31-12-2020
Last updated:02-06-2021
Warning! This plugin has not been updated in over 2 years. It may no longer be maintained or supported and may have compatibility issues when used with more recent versions of WordPress.
Rating, %:100
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Plugin URI:https://wordpress.org/plugins/ezycount-accoun...
Total downloads:529
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This is the official EZYcount plugin for WooCommerce. Once an order is confirmed, the plugin send that detailed information of the order to EZYcount (3rd party service available at https://www.ezycount.ch) to create a corresponding booking. The information can be customized based on payment methods and product categories.

The current version works for accounting without VAT. We intend to make this plugin evolve in the future to also support accounting with VAT.

The following data is sent to EZYcount to create accounting bookings each time an order is confirmed:
Order date
Order number
Payment methode accounting code
Order position amount
Order position number
Order position product category accounting code
Your credentials to access your EZYcount account

Find the terms of services and privacy policy of EZYcount here: https://www.ezycount.ch/en/terms-of-services-and-privacy-policy/


  1. WordPress v5.4 and later
  2. Woocommerce v4.3 and later
  3. PHP v5.6.0 and later


  1. Install Woocommerce.
  2. Create the product categories and assign parent categories incl. sub categories with products.
  3. Enable Woocommerce payment methods
  4. Visit EZYcount.ch, login to your account and go to Parameters -> Company details. Find your Company ID at the top of the page.
  5. In the plugin, enter your EZYcount username, password and Company ID.
  6. Input in the EZYcount plugin the 4 digit debit account for each payment method
  7. Input in the EZYcount plugin the 4 digit credit account for each product categories
