
WordPress plugin for embedding eveeno registration forms.

Author:Barbara Bothe (profile at wordpress.org)
WordPress version required:4.1
WordPress version tested:6.5
Plugin version:1.6
Added to WordPress repository:24-07-2015
Last updated:01-04-2024
Rating, %:0
Rated by:0
Plugin URI:https://github.com/cassandre/eveeno-wp
Total downloads:2 063
Active installs:100+
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Embed registration forms and event lists from eveeno.de in your WordPress site simply by adding a shortcode.
All you need is your event id (for embedding a registration form), your user id (for embedding an event list) and eventually the width and height.
You will find the event id and the user id in your eveeno backend in Event-Einstellungen > Widgets.


Embedding a registration form:

[eveeno show="form" eventid="123456789" width="95%" height="1000px"]

Embedding an event list as a table:

[eveeno show="table" userid="1234" width="95%" height="400px"]

Embedding an event list in grid view:

[eveeno show="grid" userid="1234" width="95%" height="400px"]

Embedding a short event list:

[eveeno show="list" userid="1234" width="95%" height="400px"]

Additional Shortcode Parameters

period="" [all | past | future (default)]
lang="" [de (default) | en | fr]
sort="" [date (default) | name]
scope="" [all | private | public (default)]
