Embeds video from Odnoklassniki.ru to your WordPress blog.
Author: | Shumaher (profile at wordpress.org) |
WordPress version required: | 2.5 |
WordPress version tested: | 3.7.41 |
Plugin version: | 1.0 |
Added to WordPress repository: | 26-12-2013 |
Last updated: | 26-12-2013
Warning! This plugin has not been updated in over 2 years. It may no longer be maintained or supported and may have compatibility issues when used with more recent versions of WordPress.
Rating, %: | 0 |
Rated by: | 0 |
Plugin URI: | http://blog.shumaher.net.ru/wordpress-embed-o... |
Total downloads: | 1 477 |
Active installs: | 20+ |
Click to start download |
Use video ID (or link) and shortcode [okvideo width=”491″ height=”285″]12345[/okvideo] to embed video.
width/height parameters are optional and these their default values.
Note: Because Odnoklassniki.ru does not provide “official” embed-code for the videos (that’s why this plugin was written), your videos MAY STOP PLAYING AT ANY TIME!!!