Embed Bokun

Embed Bokun allows you a possibility to add Bokun products (bokun.io) to your WordPress site easily via Gutenberg block.

Author:Luuptek (profile at wordpress.org)
WordPress version required:5.0
WordPress version tested:6.4.3
Plugin version:0.23
Added to WordPress repository:22-01-2020
Last updated:23-02-2024
Rating, %:0
Rated by:0
Plugin URI:
Total downloads:3 165
Active installs:100+
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Embed Bokun allows to you add Bokun products to your website via Gutenberg blocks.

To be able to use the plugin, you need to have Gutenberg active (WordPress version 5.0 and higher and classic editor not installed).

Plugin is extreme developer friendly allowing to create custom Bokun product block via few actions and filters.

More details and documentation about the plugin can be found from Github: https://github.com/luuptek/embed-bokun
