Electric Migration

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Easily migrate your WordPress database from one web address to another.

Author:Electric Code (profile at wordpress.org)
WordPress version required:3.0.1
WordPress version tested:5.8.4
Plugin version:1.0.1
Added to WordPress repository:01-06-2019
Last updated:15-08-2022
Rating, %:100
Rated by:1
Plugin URI:https://www.electriccode.co.uk/fixing-404-err...
Total downloads:1 391
Active installs:50+
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If you create a custom taxonomy in WordPress, whether it’s part of a theme or a plugin, you may encounter a 404 error when trying to view the taxonomy on the front end of your website.

This normally only happens if you are referencing the taxonomy in your permalinks, i.e. if your permalinks look something like this:


At first glance this seems to be fine, until you try to navigate to page 2 of the taxonomy archive. This will result in WordPress sending you to a URL something like this:


The ‘/page/2’ bit stuck on the end will clash with your permalink settings, causing in an a 404 error.

This plugin fixes that ????

See https://www.electriccode.co.uk/blog/fixing-404-errors-with-wordpress-custom-taxonomies/ for more information.


Step 1. Install plugin
Step 2. Activate plugin
Step 3. Enjoy your error free custom taxonomy pagination
