EDD Mark As Addon

Provides the API required to expose EDD products marked as add-ons through the REST API.

Author:Alessandro Tesoro (profile at wordpress.org)
WordPress version required:4.3
WordPress version tested:4.9.18
Plugin version:1.0.0
Added to WordPress repository:05-05-2018
Last updated:05-05-2018
Warning! This plugin has not been updated in over 2 years. It may no longer be maintained or supported and may have compatibility issues when used with more recent versions of WordPress.
Rating, %:0
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Plugin URI:https://github.com/alessandrotesoro/wp-user-m...
Total downloads:933
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This is a plugin built specifically for developers that use Easy Digital Downloads to sell add-ons for freemium WordPress plugins.

It’s often the case that freemium plugins have an “add-ons” page within the wp-admin panel that shows a list of all add-ons available for a plugin. In most cases the list is retrieved from an RSS or json feed.

EDD Mark As Addon provides an easy way to mark EDD products as “add-ons” and exposes all of them through a new route within the WordPress REST API without the need to manually code the feed.

Once installed, all products marked as add-ons are available through the wp-json/wp/v2/edd-addons route.


Some info for developers

  • All add-ons are cached into the wp_edd_addons_api_cached transient. The transient is deleted each time a download is updated or created.
  • You can modify the query $args for the REST API through the filter wp_edd_addons_api_query.
