Add beautiful, responsive EasyRotator photo rotators and sliders to your WordPress site in seconds.
Author: | (profile at |
WordPress version required: | 2.8 |
WordPress version tested: | 4.8.13 |
Plugin version: | 1.0.14 |
Added to WordPress repository: | 21-03-2012 |
Last updated: | 01-06-2017
Warning! This plugin has not been updated in over 2 years. It may no longer be maintained or supported and may have compatibility issues when used with more recent versions of WordPress.
Rating, %: | 76 |
Rated by: | 68 |
Plugin URI: | |
Total downloads: | 256 977 |
Active installs: | 1 000+ |
Click to start download |
EasyRotator for WordPress helps you create beautiful, responsive photo rotators and sliders for your WordPress site in seconds. Add rotators to posts and pages, or add rotator widgets to your theme. Choose photos and set links, select a layout, make customizations, and everything else is handled for you. Photos can come from your local computer, your WordPress Media Library, or Featured Images of recent posts.
- Drop-dead easy to use (no coding!)
- Over 45 flexible templates included
- No limit to the number of sliders
- Create sliders of recent or featured posts
- Optional video and audio support
- Built-in touchscreen / mobile support
- SEO friendly
- Amazingly easy to use!
- Responsive theme support – just specify an aspect ratio!
- PHP 5 or higher, WordPress 2.8 or higher
- All major browsers and mobile devices are supported for viewing rotators; IE6 is not.
- Wizard application (for editing rotators) requires Adobe AIR (auto-installer included)
- To edit rotators, Windows or Mac is required. Linux usually works, but is not officially supported.
How it Works (Please Read):
In order to provide a faster and more seamless editing and preview experience without having to first upload all files, the EasyRotator plugin interfaces with an external editor application (auto-installed via Adobe AIR). This means there are a couple minutes of additional up-front installation time versus other plugins. However, we’re confident you’ll agree with numerous others (more here and here) that this results in a much better editing experience. If you’d prefer not to install any external editor, then EasyRotator unfortunately isn’t the best plugin for your needs :/
Important Links:
EasyRotator is a registered trademark of Magnetic Marketing Corp dba
If you wish to change capabilty plugin uses by default to allow access to its menu, open easyrotator.php, go to line #133, look for function hook_admin_menu() there. Plugin's menu is defined by three lines
$hookname = add_menu_page( $primary_title, 'EasyRotator', 'edit_posts', $primary_slug, array( $this, 'admin_page_overview' ), 'div' );
// Add submenu pages - first is just mirror of main.
add_submenu_page( $primary_slug, $primary_title, 'Overview', 'edit_posts', $primary_slug, array( $this, 'admin_page_overview' ) );
$hookname_sub1 = add_submenu_page( $primary_slug, 'EasyRotator - Help', 'Help', 'edit_posts', 'easyrotator_admin_help', array( $this, 'admin_page_help' ) );
This plugin uses 'edit_posts' capability to check if user can use it or not. Change this capability to any other (even your custom created one with help of User Role Editor plugin) according to your needs.