EasyfullsearchWP is the best way to improve searches, providing more relevant results by controlling many features. Most of fields can be indexed.
Author: | Michel Jarleton (profile at wordpress.org) |
WordPress version required: | 3.0.1 |
WordPress version tested: | 4.6.1 |
Plugin version: | 1.0 |
Added to WordPress repository: | 30-11-2016 |
Last updated: | 01-12-2016
Warning! This plugin has not been updated in over 2 years. It may no longer be maintained or supported and may have compatibility issues when used with more recent versions of WordPress.
Rating, %: | 0 |
Rated by: | 0 |
Plugin URI: | |
Total downloads: | 1 073 |

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Section : Main actions

Section : Index values

Section : Search : post type

Section : Search : fields and sort

Section : Search : sort with date

Section : Search : operators

Section : Stop words

Section : Highlight results

Section : Change current user

Section : Others actions
I have no results in the search.
If you just have activate the plugin, easyfullsearcWP has just created an empty index. So, it cannot find any results for your queries. The good news is that if you have no results, it means the plugin is correctly activated.
- To fill up the index go to the Settings (Easy Full Search page in administration) and use the button “Update the index” to fill up the index. While the index is not totaly filled up; you can unchecked the option “Use easyfullsearch for users’s searches”.
- Check the fields included in the search (“Search : fields and sort” section). May be have you excluded some important fields such as content or title.
- Check if post type is correctly selected in the section “Search : post types” . You also could try to manually index one post, containing a specific pattern, in order to test the indexing and the search process.
- You can also try to empty the index and rebuild its.
- If the problem is still there, after trying these actions, let me know.
Which posts or pages are stored in the index ?
- All published posts and pages are stored in the index, even if you don’t use them in the search. By this way, if you want to use them later, no rebuild action is needed.
How many posts could the easyfullsearch support ?
- The Easyfullsearch engine can manage millions of items. The default index of the plugin does support more than 50 000 different terms. this is more than thousands of posts or pages. It will be automatically extended if necessary, but the search may be less efficient. There is no problem to have a larger index. In this case, let me know.
Is easyfullsearchWP supporting multisites wordpress ?
- Presently the plugin is not designed to support the multisite wordpress. This could be done later.
Where is stored the index ?
- The index is stored in a subdirectory (efs_data) of the easyfullsearchWP directory ( Ex. mysite/wp-content/plugins/easyfullsearchWP/efs_data)
Is easyfullsearchWp php7 compliant ?
- Yes – The code of Easyfullsearch is designed to be php 7 compliant. Many tests have been done under php7. The present developments are all done with a php7 version.
if I change the fields that I want to include in the search’s result, do I have to re-index all items ?
- No – all items are stored in the index. You have nothing to do if you choose to use them or not as fields for the searches. The Easyfullsearch index is able manage large index.
Can I put the index on an external server ?
- Easyfullsearch engine is not designed like this in the use of this plugin. We consider than having the index in the same server is more efficient (no network latence, more consistency ..). This is one of the added value of the Easyfullsearch engine. And you have no charges to add for an index server !
Is EasyfullsearchWP managing users’s rights ?
- Easyfullsearch engine includes a users’s rights management. The easyfullsearchWP plugin create its own user to access the index. There is no need to have a link between the wordpress’s users and the easyfullsearchWP one. You can manage this user through the plugin settings.
Is the plugin secured ?
- The plugin respects some good practices for wordpress. Administration page is protected, and rights are checked. Security is an important matter. easyfullsearchWP plugin is delivered “as is”. If you have any suggestion, please let me known.
Is the index crypted ?
- No – Easyfullsearch doesn’t protect specifically the content of the index. The wordpress’s administor have to take security actions to protect it (secured access to the files, for example). Even if the content of the index is not crypted, informations in it are not useful.
- The first version of the plugin