Easily add tooltips to your wordpress site.
Author: | Crock Dev (profile at wordpress.org) |
WordPress version required: | 2.9 |
WordPress version tested: | 5.5.5 |
Plugin version: | 1.1.1 |
Added to WordPress repository: | 16-11-2020 |
Last updated: | 19-11-2020
Warning! This plugin has not been updated in over 2 years. It may no longer be maintained or supported and may have compatibility issues when used with more recent versions of WordPress.
Rating, %: | 0 |
Rated by: | 0 |
Plugin URI: | |
Total downloads: | 3 487 |
Click to start download |
Easily add tooltips to your wordpress site. Tooltips will show when target element is hovered over. On mobile devices tooltips show when target element is tapped. You can easily pick your tooltip color settings in Settings > Easy Tooltips.