Development Environment

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The aim of this plugin is to make life easier when working on a WordPress site running in a development or testing environment.

Author:Harlan Wilton (profile at
WordPress version required:4.6
WordPress version tested:5.0.22
Plugin version:1.0.6
Added to WordPress repository:24-09-2017
Last updated:14-01-2019
Warning! This plugin has not been updated in over 2 years. It may no longer be maintained or supported and may have compatibility issues when used with more recent versions of WordPress.
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Total downloads:1 643
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Whoops error handling, no password logins, template hints, no indexing, flush rewrites, everything a developer needs for their local development environment.


  • Disallow Indexing Turn off the public blog option. This will modify the robots.txt generation to block all search engines
  • Flush Rewrites No more weird redirection problems when working on custom post types or taxonomies.
  • No Password Logins Just stick the user in you want to login as, write anything in the password field, and it will login! Only works when connecting from local host
  • Whoops Error Handling The error screen from laravel, now in your WordPress setup
  • Template Hints See which templates are loading for the page you are on

The goal is to exchange security for ease of use, for that reason it’s important that you take the security measures needed
to ensure that someone can’t take advantage of the site with this plugin enabled.

If you’re running on a staging environment ensure you have setup a htpasswd


Set Environment


Dynamically set how the plugin detects if the environment is development based on your own criteria.

Stop a component from loading


Disable require of a component if you don’t want to use it. Possible values are:

disallow-indexing, `flush-rewrites`, `no-password-logins`, `whoops-error-handling`
