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A WordPress plugin to quickly and easily view your recent draft posts.

Author:Brad Parbs (profile at wordpress.org)
WordPress version required:5.2
WordPress version tested:5.8
Plugin version:1.1.0
Added to WordPress repository:17-08-2021
Last updated:20-08-2021
Warning! This plugin has not been updated in over 2 years. It may no longer be maintained or supported and may have compatibility issues when used with more recent versions of WordPress.
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Total downloads:2 287
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Quickly and easily view all your recent draft posts.

Availiable filters

drafts_widget_icon - The dashicon to use for the dashboard widget.
drafts_widget_title - The title to use for the dashboard widget.
drafts_post_types_to_show - An arry of post types to show in the widget. Defaults to all post types.
drafts_widget_query_args - An array of arguments to pass to the WP_Query.
drafts_show_in_widget - Will pass ID of each post, returning `false` will not add it to the dashboard widget.
