Melibu plugin designed for WordPress to assist users. I myself am a developer and developing wordpress themes and plugins.
Author: | Samet Tarim aka prod3v3loper (profile at |
WordPress version required: | 3.0 |
WordPress version tested: | 5.1.1 |
Plugin version: | |
Added to WordPress repository: | 19-02-2016 |
Last updated: | 06-05-2019
Warning! This plugin has not been updated in over 2 years. It may no longer be maintained or supported and may have compatibility issues when used with more recent versions of WordPress.
Rating, %: | 72 |
Rated by: | 5 |
Plugin URI: | |
Total downloads: | 9 195 |
Active installs: | 50+ |
Click to start download |
A small overview
Single and Single
Duplicate and Single
Hide Counts for Users
You can adjust the settings easily so it fits your needs
Custom Title and Description for your Users
Check in the Subscription your subscribers
Check in the Overview your downloads
All Custom Settings
Place the Shortcode on any page or post
Place the Shortcode on MelAbu WP Download Counter Button Widget widget or in any text widget
To see your Top 5 downloads
Any document/file Type,this downloader open the right window (here image PNG)
Or here with MP3 file
And another file with PDF file type
Say Thank You! The Thanks Window shows a Modal with your custom text after clicking the download button
Activate MelAbu Subscription for Download
Activate MelAbu Subscription with Name for Download
Activate MelAbu Captcha for Download
Activate MelAbu Subscription and MelAbu Captcha for Download
Activate MelAbu Subscription with Name and MelAbu Captcha for Download
Check fields
How to use it?
- With a click on the Download shortcode you can from the library a file you’ve already uploaded using
- Or you can click the shortcode on the download upload a new file in the library and select
- After selection of the file to the shortcode will be automatically created in the editor with the file that you have selected
- Now when you save the page, the article or a text widget with the shortcode, you can see on your website where the shortcode is, YOUR DOWNLOAD now 🙂
Works function twice with different instances?
No, a file with a specific URL can only have the same instance and should you even so have the duplicates are counted properly together.
How to use singles?
If you wish that everyone download his own counter has so use with every download shortcode in instance = “1” to another number.
How to use duplicates?
If you want to watch that is a download on a page multiple times to count, then you place these downloads the same instance = “1” and all be counted automatically when clicking on a download of very similar Instanze and file
The plugin binds fontawesome, do that many plugins, often are then integrated up to 6 times … there is the option that you can turn and use of elsewhere ?
Yes, you can FontAwesome depending on need to disable or enable.
Can I change colors?
Yes, you can change the button background color, icon background and the label background color.
Can I change the layout?
Yes, you can Choose between different layouts.
Can I add a image?
Yes, you can select a image to upload on your download.
Note: For another questions please contact us.
Various bugs have been fixed
Various bugs have been fixed:
- Remove unused posts and gets
- Fix calling file locations
Various bugs have been fixed:
- Add sanitize all $_POST
- Add esc_url(), esc_html(), esc_attr(), esc_sql() on outputs
Various bugs have been fixed:
- Remove ADS option on Modal (WP close plugin)
Various bugs have been fixed:
- Fix download widget colors
- Example images fixed
- Again no type/size was fixed on remote files with .exe extention
Adding new:
- Add icons on downloads widget
Various bugs have been fixed:
- No type/size was fixed on remote files
Various bugs have been fixed:
- Button design settings was fixed
- Fixed min width from button
Version 1.8.6
Adding new:
- Added more icons in overviews
Various bugs have been fixed:
- Language files was fixed
Version 1.8.5
Adding new:
- Added external URL downloads
- WP Dashicons in frontend have been added
- Download and subscriber overview external and internal link references were added
Various bugs have been fixed:
- External URLs with queries in the Downloader and Subscriber Overview have been cleaned
- Update deface fixed, add flush_rewrite_rules() for successfully update
- JavaScript for downloads has been parsed
- In the backend, plugin icons were fontawesome exchanged for wp dashicons
Version 1.8.0
Adding new:
- Add full file protection
- File password attribute to the short code
- Automaticly file permission changing for successful download
- Add Sort function for download number and time, subscribers name and time
- Shut invitees list images will be shown, unless it does not work with the new full file protection provided
Various bugs have been fixed:
- Mailto function has been revised
- Without AJAX not insert, now fixed
- Update duplicate column fixed
- Admin area responsive design has been revised
Version 1.7.1
Adding new:
- Subscribers surface was added mailto function
- Subscribers and download surfactant were added clickable URL
Various bugs have been fixed:
- Had Widget some errors without AJAX and AJAX, was fixed
- Corrected wrong variable
Version 1.7
Adding new:
- Button name attribute to the short code
- A new documentation has been added
- Shortcode default settings have been added
- Add https protocol
- Add loading to the modal
- Add instance number for file in Download overview
Various bugs have been fixed:
- File not found (path error) fixed Plugin is not working
- WP ajax was not used, was fixed, now is used wp ajax
- Translation has been revised
- Datetime in shortcode has been adapted to its own WP date and GMT fixed
Version 1.6
Adding new:
- MelAbu Copyright optional
Various bugs have been fixed:
- Widget load core file, now removed
- Empty Premium areas, now removed
- Static overview timeformat fixed for all users and languages
- Failed links corrected
- Design Icon color was incorrectly, now fixed
Version 1.5.2
Adding new:
- Subscription with Name
- Download subscription (with Name) and captcha (without JS/AJAX)
- Download subscription (with Name) and captcha for Top Five Widget (without JS/AJAX)
Various bugs have been fixed:
- Subscribers overview pagination corrected
- Downloads overview pagination corrected
Various bugs have been fixed:
- Missing columns in the database were fixed in update
Version 1.5.0
Adding new:
- Added About Page
Various bugs have been fixed:
- Shortcode in widget not work, now fixed.
- Fix database errors duplicate columns
Version 1.4.9
All Code now in OOP programmed
Adding new:
- Added Download TOP 5 widget
Various bugs have been fixed:
- Fixed update error.
- If an error with the message, the plugin was disabled appears (download-counter-button/download_counter_button.php or download-counter-button/download-counter-button.php)
- If there are problems with the installation or update, deactivate and then activate dishwasher again.
If that does not help:
To keep the data that are available, back up the tables in the database and melibu_dcb melibu_dcb_sub and add again after installation.
Then remove plug and re-install the newest version.
Version 1.4.5
Adding new:
- Added Count for User show/hide option
- Added Subscriber activate/deactivate option
- Added Subscriber Overview
- Added Captcha
Various bugs have been fixed:
- Fixed text-domain
- Fixed MelAbu Admin Overview
- Fixed outdated function mime_content_type()
Adding new:
Added short shortcode Description
Various bugs have been fixed:
- Update primary key, fixed
- Uninstall delete all data fixed
- Languages fixed
Various bugs have been fixed:
- Database error on install fixed
- Database error on update fixed
Version 1.4.2
Adding new:
Shortcode otpion
- The shortcode accesses now directly the media library for select of the download file
Various bugs have been fixed:
- Responsive layout fixed
- Download Button layout fixed
- Flat colors now without border-radius for real flatness
- Image in download info box fixed
Version 1.4.1
- FontAwesome 4.6.1
Various bugs have been fixed:
- Duplicate instance crash, fixed
- Javascript fixed
Version 1.4.0
Adding new:
Responsive Design
- Basic Admin Panel
- Now support all File Types
- Downloads have Page-Navigation
- Downloads set Setting per Page
Various bugs have been fixed:
- Wp Editor Shortcode not filled with instance, now fixed.
- MelAbu Grid-System fixed for other Theme and Plugin grids.
Version 1.3.7
Adding new:
- German
- Turkey
- Flat-Colors for more Design combination.
- Can be placeble a image in the infobox.
Various bugs have been fixed:
- Clicking on the count in the Downloads led not as desired for goal but gave an error has been fixed (“Download –>(34)<–“)
- Bownload-n, Cancel- and Goto Download-Button text-decoration was removed.
- Organisation designs, fixed.
- The latest version has not held the last time without JS, was fixed.
- jQuery was removed and written only required pure Javascript Code (& AJAX) * FULL PERFORMENCE *
Version 1.3.3
Adding new:
Can be placeble multiple
- [download instance=”1″… ]…URL-1…[/download]
- [download instance=”2″… ]…URL-2…[/download]
- [download instance=”3″… ]…URL-3…[/download]
- [download instance=”4″… ]…URL-4…[/download]
Can be placeble duplicate
- [download instance=”1″… ]…URL-1…[/download]
- [download instance=”1″… ]…URL-1…[/download]
Can be placeble in a any text widget
- [download instance=”1″ name=”Name in the Label” datetime=”14.1.2016 04:07″ other=”v.0.9″]…URL…[/download]
Button Icon color
- Change the button icon color different
2 Layouts
- Organisation II
- Organisation III
Various bugs have been fixed:
- On Downlods tab downloads badge width corrected
- CSS design corrected
Version 1.1.9
Adding new:
Add new overview with Download data with refresh function
- file url
- file name
- file type
- file size
- file download counts
- file last access
Various bugs have been fixed:
- On Update process produce duplicate id, was resolved
- Change main language in english for other translations
Version 1.1.1
Adding new:
- Add optional modal
- Cancel oppurtunity in the thanks window
- File information in the label is supplemented with the type
Various bugs have been fixed:
- Right-click didn’t counted the downloads, even prevented
- If JavaScript was turned off the download wasn’t count, corrected now.
- Few times the button hasn’t a hover and an active effect, also corrected.
- Uninstall didn’t removed all register, was resolved
Version 1.0.8
File counter was disabled and is completely removed after v.1.5
The old version included 1.0 files in where previously downloaded number will be replaced, in which you read out and store it in the database,
save after the file automatically removed.
Adding new:
- FontAwesome option introduced. You can decide whether you use MB Download Counter button with or without FontAwesome now.
- The thanks window was a title field in the backend edit enabled, now you can type your own title.
Various bugs have been fixed:
- Security fix is the count of downloads.
- In the window thanks x to close was removed.
- Plain counting text has been removed.
- Color selection has not held the color in the select field to pick, also fixed.
- Updated plugin hasn’t been completed (If you have not installed version 1.0, even disable the plugin and re-enable it already, you can update the plugin)
Version 1.0
First Release