Douban Collections

Douban Collections provides a douban collections (books, movies, musics) page for WordPress.

Author:Samson Wu (profile at
WordPress version required:2.5
WordPress version tested:3.2.1
Plugin version:1.0.0
Added to WordPress repository:17-11-2010
Last updated:05-07-2011
Warning! This plugin has not been updated in over 2 years. It may no longer be maintained or supported and may have compatibility issues when used with more recent versions of WordPress.
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Douban Collections provides a douban collections (books, movies, musics) page for WordPress, just put "[douban_collections]" in your Post or Page to show the douban books collections page. This tag support 2 parameters: "category" and "with_user_info". For example, you can put "[douban_collections category="movie" with_user_info="true"]" to show the movies collections page with douban user info.

Douban Collections (豆瓣收藏) 是一个WordPress插件。用户可以把豆瓣中想读、在读、读过的书籍,想看、看过的电影作为WordPress的一个页面显示,支持自定义显示书籍数量和显示样式。 在WordPress的post或page里面加上 “[douban_collections]” 即可显示带用户信息的“豆瓣收藏”书籍页面。 同时支持category和with_user_info两个参数,比如“[douban_collections category="movie" with_user_info="true"]”可以显示带用户信息的电影页面。

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