Display post meta, term meta, comment meta, and user meta

Shows metas( fields, custom fields and protected metas ) in a metabox for posts( any CPT ), terms( any taxonomy ), comments and users.

Author:Manuel Canga (profile at wordpress.org)
WordPress version required:4.9.0
WordPress version tested:6.0.5
Plugin version:0.4.1
Added to WordPress repository:21-12-2020
Last updated:25-07-2022
Rating, %:0
Rated by:0
Plugin URI:https://github.com/manuelcanga/DisplayMetadat...
Total downloads:1 393
Active installs:300+
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Shows metas( fields, custom fields and protected metas ) in a metabox for posts( any CPT ), terms( any taxonomy ), comments and users. Metas are displayed for humans( organized and unserialized ). This metabox only will be displayed per either administrator users or users with display_metadata_metabox capability.

As a developer you normally need know about a value of some meta( or properties ) of a post, term o user.

As a sysadmin maybe you need know about which meta are created in posts/terms/comments/users in order to remove which are unnecessary.

As a plugin author you need check if you plugin is adding meta rightly.

As a theme author you need know about which meta is available in order to can use they in your themes.

In all these cases( and others ), you can use Display Meta plugin.


Send me bugs or improvements

If you’re interested in contributing to Display Metadata, head to the Display Metadata GitHub Repository.