Adds the smarter digg button. Extended options like topics, prefilled descriptions, shortcodes etc. allow full control of your digg icons.
Author: | NetWebLogic LLC (profile at |
WordPress version required: | 2.7 |
WordPress version tested: | 3.0.5 |
Plugin version: | 2.0.2 |
Added to WordPress repository: | 02-08-2009 |
Last updated: | 28-12-2010
Warning! This plugin has not been updated in over 2 years. It may no longer be maintained or supported and may have compatibility issues when used with more recent versions of WordPress.
Rating, %: | 0 |
Rated by: | 0 |
Plugin URI: | |
Total downloads: | 8 980 |
Active installs: | 10+ |
Click to start download |
This plugin gives you full control of the digg button. Some of the features:
- Customize the skin (digg currently offers the default skin, an icon or compact version)
- Choose specific options for each post and page. For example, only display digg buttons on certain posts.
- Control where your button appears on lists, pages, and posts
- Select the digg topic you want your posts to be tied to, and you can customize this on each post/page.
- Digg information fields like title, topic and description are prefilled for easy submissions.
- Choose whether to open digg in a new tab/window.
- Control where the button appears in your post between top/bottom and left/right, or use custom inline css rules.
If you have any problems with the plugins, please visit our [](support forums) for further information and provide some feedback first, we may be able to help. It’s considered rude to just give low ratings and nothing reason for doing so.
If you find this plugin useful and would like to say thanks, a link, digg, or some other form of recognition to the plugin page on our blog would be appreciated.
Translated Languages Available
Here’s a list of currently translated languages. Translations that have been submitted are greatly appreciated and hopefully make this plugin a better one. If you’d like to contribute, please have a look at the POT file in the langs folder and send us your translations.
- Danish – Christian B.