Did someone clone me?

Did someone clone me allows anyone to detect malicious clones of their websites by simply embedding a link into the HTML source code.

Author:Wesley Neelen (profile at wordpress.org)
WordPress version required:
WordPress version tested:6.4.3
Plugin version:1.0.3
Added to WordPress repository:07-07-2022
Last updated:29-03-2024
Rating, %:0
Rated by:0
Plugin URI:https://didsomeoneclone.me/?utm_medium=plugin...
Total downloads:645
Active installs:60+
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Did someone clone me protects your website and visitors against phishing attacks. It will send you a notification when someone clones your website.

In order to do so, take the following steps:
– Go to the website https://didsomeoneclone.me and generate a personal link.
– Embed the personal link into the website using the WordPress plugin settings.

If a clone is detected, the website owner is notified on their e-mail address.

All information regarding the service can be found at https://didsomeoneclone.me

Disclaimer: this plugin requires a 3rd party service (didsomeoneclone.me). By embedding the link into your website web requests are sent to this external service when someone visits your website. Our privacy page explains why and what information is stored while using our service: https://didsomeoneclone.me/privacy/
