Custom Pagination

The Custom Pagination plugin allows a user to insert custom next, previous or numbered page links into a post.

Author:Dimitry Zolotaryov (profile at
WordPress version required:2.8
WordPress version tested:4.1
Plugin version:1.0.2
Added to WordPress repository:25-08-2009
Last updated:27-12-2014
Warning! This plugin has not been updated in over 2 years. It may no longer be maintained or supported and may have compatibility issues when used with more recent versions of WordPress.
Rating, %:100
Rated by:1
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Total downloads:5 336
Active installs:20+
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With the Custom Pagination plugin, a user may customize the look of a post's next and previous links using the HTML editor. It is built by (Dimitry Zolotaryov) and funded by an online dating and relationship blog.

The link is created by selecting the text label within a post's body and clicking the link icon. In the Link URL field, the following values will produce a link to another page:

  • page:next links to the next page
  • page:prev or page:previous links to the previous page
  • page:first links to the first page of the post
  • page:last links to the last page of a post
  • page:n links to the nth page of a post (e.g. page:2 for the second page)

If link is directing to a page that does not exist -- for instance page:next on the last page --, the link and the link text do not appear.

All links processed by Custom Pagination will have the added class name 'page'. If you wish to style such links, in your CSS, add the line: { /* page style goes here */ }

For more information, visit the Custom Pagination plugin homepage.
