CSS Optimizer – Remove Unused CSS

Integrates with Autoptimize to clean up and remove unused CSS from your website.

Author:ZippiSite (profile at wordpress.org)
WordPress version required:4.7
WordPress version tested:5.9.2
Plugin version:1.7
Added to WordPress repository:04-11-2021
Last updated:16-03-2022
Warning! This plugin has not been updated in over 2 years. It may no longer be maintained or supported and may have compatibility issues when used with more recent versions of WordPress.
Rating, %:74
Rated by:6
Plugin URI:https://zippisite.com
Total downloads:9 446
Active installs:200+
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“Remove Unused CSS” is frequently flagged in Google’s PageSpeed Insights. Indeed, most scenario, around 70% – 80% of a page’s CSS codes are redundant, and can be removed without affecting the overall visual. This happens mainly because WordPress themes and plugins are created as generic solutions that includes a bunch of features that may or may not be used on a particular page.

Example: A theme may come with a bunch of features such as slider, carousel, animation and etc, but your home page may use only the slider feature and your about page may use only the carousel feature. However, for practical reason, it’s virtually impossible to selectively include only the required CSS rules for the features that were enabled on a particular page.

This is where the CSS Optimizer becomes useful. The plugin make calls to ZippiSite‘s CSS Optimizer API to find the required CSS rules on a particular page, and remove the ones that are not needed.
