Coderlift Affiliate Compliance

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This plugin automatically tracks the affiliate links from your post contents and shows a disclaimer message if links found.

Author:CoderLift (profile at
WordPress version required:4.0
WordPress version tested:5.3.8
Plugin version:1.0.0
Added to WordPress repository:08-08-2020
Last updated:08-08-2020
Warning! This plugin has not been updated in over 2 years. It may no longer be maintained or supported and may have compatibility issues when used with more recent versions of WordPress.
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As an affiliate of Amazon, you must have to show a disclaimer message. It is tough to put this message for each post. This plugin solves this problem and makes the automation of showing affiliate disclaimer message before the post which has the link of any affiliate site like Amazon or eBay.
Visit plugin details page

How to setup:

After installing the plugin you will get a settings page from admin panel:
Dashboard -> Settings -> CL Affiliate Compliance

You will get 2 input fields.

=> Targeted Words To Be Filtered
Put words by which you want to filter the links of the post contents. It means if the words provided here will found in any link of the contents the disclaimer message will appear.

You can put multiple words separating by a comma.

Example: If you need to show the disclaimer message if in your post have a link from amazon, just put ‘amazon’ in this box.

=> Compliance Content Before Post:
This is the place where your disclaimer message will show.
You can use any plain text, image, link, or any HTML here.
