Insert CO2 and other Climate Change related timegraphs
anywhere on your wordpress website proving that levels keep rising at ever higher speeds.
Author: | 2 Degrees Institute (profile at |
WordPress version required: | 3.6 |
WordPress version tested: | 5.2.11 |
Plugin version: | 1.0.0 |
Added to WordPress repository: | 29-01-2020 |
Last updated: | 29-01-2020
Warning! This plugin has not been updated in over 2 years. It may no longer be maintained or supported and may have compatibility issues when used with more recent versions of WordPress.
Rating, %: | 0 |
Rated by: | 0 |
Plugin URI: | |
Total downloads: | 456 |
Active installs: | 20+ |
Click to start download |
Insert CO2 and other Climate Change related timegraphs
anywhere on your wordpress website proving that levels keep rising at ever higher speeds.
Climate Dashboard shows the CO2 global levels timegraph in the WordPress Administrator backend as well, as a widget whenever the administrator logs in.
The historic and real time data are provided by the 2 Degrees Institute backed up by a solid panel of top-notch world-class scientists.
SAAS (Software As A Service)
This plugin is a free SAAS of the timegraphs of, a project of the 2 Degrees Institute
Data Privacy Policy of and the 2 degrees Institute
Vision for future versions
In the current (first) version, Climate Dashboard only shows historic and real time data, in coming versions we intend to include animations and simulations for future data, say year 2050 and year 2080 under different curbing of CO2 emissions scenarios. The Climate Dashboard could also be extended to zoom in country by country and industry by industry. The sky is the limit.