A Custom Field Suite Addon that provides custom meta data for categories and custom taxonomies.
Author: | GatorDev (profile at wordpress.org) |
WordPress version required: | 3.6 |
WordPress version tested: | 4.1.8 |
Plugin version: | 1.3.1 |
Added to WordPress repository: | 01-08-2014 |
Last updated: | 07-11-2015
Warning! This plugin has not been updated in over 2 years. It may no longer be maintained or supported and may have compatibility issues when used with more recent versions of WordPress.
Rating, %: | 100 |
Rated by: | 2 |
Plugin URI: | http://wordpress.org/plugins/cfs-custom-categ... |
Total downloads: | 4 757 |
Active installs: | 200+ |
Click to start download
CFS Category Fields is a Custom Field Suite addon that provides meta data or custom fields for categories and custom taxonomies. Key features are as follows:
- Apply Custom Fields to Categories and Custom Taxonomies
- Requires the Custom Field Suite Plugin
Apply Field Group to Category or Taxonomy
How do I retrieve custom fields for display on a category page?
Use the function get_category_meta(‘field_name’), or alternatively, call CfsTaxonomy::get(‘field_name’) directly, in your php.
How do I retrieve custom category fields anywhere?
Use the function get_category_meta() and pass it the term object as the second parameter, eg: get_category_meta(false, get_term_by(‘slug’, ‘good-stuff’, ‘category’)). This will return all field data from the category Good Stuff.
How do I retrieve the cfs front-end form?
Use the function get_category_form(). If used on a category or archive page it takes no parameters. It can be used anywhere by passing the term object as the first parameter.
- Fixes imcompatibilities with latest version of CFS
- Adds an option apply a field group only to a category or taxonomy. When enabled, field groups that are only needed for categories or taxonomies will not show up in post, custom post type or page edit screens.
- Fixes bug with calling get_category_meta() in a loop, ie more than once.
- Fixes incompatiblity with relationship fields and the issue with making further cfs calls after calling get_category_meta().
- Introduces the function get_category_form() which retrieves the cfs front-end form for your field group.
- Flatten field data returned by get_category_meta() when all fields are returned.