ASPL Feedback System

ASPL Feedback system makes it easier-than-ever for increase customer communication.

Author:Acespritech Solutions Pvt. Ltd. (profile at
WordPress version required:5.1
WordPress version tested:5.3.8
Plugin version:1.1.0
Added to WordPress repository:01-04-2020
Last updated:06-04-2020
Warning! This plugin has not been updated in over 2 years. It may no longer be maintained or supported and may have compatibility issues when used with more recent versions of WordPress.
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ASPL Feedback System Plugin will help you to get the genuine and valuable feedback from your potential user. This will play a vital role in your business success.

1) Admin can create multiple feedback template with bunches of questions and multiple answer for that questions.
2) Admin can add feedback page link in menu and anywhere in theme to customer feedback.
3) Admin have setting to display template in Feedback page.
4) Customer get multiple option to submit one question’s answer.
5) Admin can have types of feedback template :
* For Products and
* General.
6) Display feedback template and Customer Feedback lists in table view.
7) Send E-Mail to customer for feedback on purchase product.
8) Admin have seeting to set duration for send Email and limitation number of email.
9) Admin can add view star rating option for Question’s answer in feedback template.
