Adds two convenient buttons to easily add/remove an id attribute to any element.
Author: | AddFunc (profile at |
WordPress version required: | 3.0.1 |
WordPress version tested: | 5.0.4 |
Plugin version: | 1.0 |
Added to WordPress repository: | 28-06-2017 |
Last updated: | 11-12-2018
Warning! This plugin has not been updated in over 2 years. It may no longer be maintained or supported and may have compatibility issues when used with more recent versions of WordPress.
Rating, %: | 100 |
Rated by: | 1 |
Plugin URI: | |
Total downloads: | 1 249 |
Active installs: | 20+ |
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Look! This heading now has an id attribute because I clicked the "#" button!... You get the idea.
What does the Add ID button do?
It adds an id attribute to the selected element (or the element with the cursor in it) using the text within. Note: not recommended for use on paragraphs.
What does the Remove ID button do?
It removes any id attributes from the selected element (or the element with the cursor in it). Note: recommended for removing ridiculously long id attributes.
Where can I see the ID/id attribute?
You can see it in Text view. Example:
This is rad
Will AddFunc work in Text view?
Nope. It’s a TinyMCE thang.
Does AddFunc IDs work on custom content types, the same as they do on Posts and Pages?
It works in any custom content type that has a standard TinyMCE editor.
Does it really require WordPress 3.0.1 or later?
I have not tested it on earlier versions. I suspect it depends on the version of TinyMCE included with your WordPress install. Feel free to try it out and let us know if it works! 🙂
Does AddFunc have a website?
27 Jun 2017
- Released plugin on WordPress Repository
23 Jun 2017
- Improves cleanup of string used for id attribute
- Removes HTML tags
- Removes instances of multiple consecutive hyphens
_ Removes hyphens at beginning and end of string
- Adds button highlighting (button is highlighted if the selected element has an id attribute)
- Submitted plugin to WordPress repository as version 1.0
18 Jul 2016
- Improves TinyMCE button icons, using font instead of SVGs
?? ??? 201?
- Adds “Add ID” button to Tiny MCE
- Adds “Remove ID” button to Tiny MCE
29 Sep 2015