12Handz Plugin

Allows you to connect your site with 12handz's engagement tools to increase conversion rate.

Author:12handz (profile at wordpress.org)
WordPress version required:4.7
WordPress version tested:5.8.3
Plugin version:1.1.0
Added to WordPress repository:13-12-2021
Last updated:30-01-2022
Warning! This plugin has not been updated in over 2 years. It may no longer be maintained or supported and may have compatibility issues when used with more recent versions of WordPress.
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Total downloads:278
Active installs:10+
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12handz is a guided marketing tool that allows your business to plan its marketing, before you spend anything, with the help of an in-house 12handz marketing strategist. With this expert advice, business owners are offered guidance on how to use the 12handz tech product that will ensure they can execute their personalised digital marketing strategy effectively.

Our technology product makes it easy for anyone to carry out complicated digital marketing efforts in a simple way. The muscle behind our product combines lots of super-smart technology to automate email marketing, social posting, SEO, branding and design, and even helps you create and run your ad campaigns.

12handz can help your business to boost, grow, and nurture your existing relationships and attract new clients, whilst emphasising the value you and your business provide.

This plugin also relies on a service managed by us in 12Handz . You can find our service’s privacy policy in the following link:
Privacy policy