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Plugin NameTestedUpdatedDownloadsRating %Rated By
WP REST API - Pure Taxonomies (Andrew MAGIK)
description plugin | | |
This plugin include all available taxonomy attributes into the WordPress REST API (v2) without additional API requests.
4.4.201-03-20169 6691005
WP REST API - All Terms (Andrew MAGIK)
description plugin | | |
This plugin include all existing terms into separate WordPress REST API (v2) endpoint.
4.4.201-03-20163 2111003
WP REST API - Post Type Taxonomies (Andrew MAGIK)
description plugin | | |
This plugin show all relations between existing post types and attached to them terms (taxonomies) in separate WordPress REST API (v2) endpoint.
4.4.201-03-20161 6681001
Version Dashboard Client (Jaakko Alajoki @jalajoki / Evermade Oy @evermadefi)
description plugin | | |
Display WordPress core and plugin version information from multiple installations in one place.
4.4.201-03-20161 47200
Route | Marketing Automation (Route)
description plugin | | |
Now marketing automation is really for Marketers, not Devs! Use this plugin to insert the Route javascript tracker on your wordpress with no efforts.
4.4.201-03-20161 0181001
Clean WP Head (Michael Torbert)
description plugin | | |
Here is a short description of the plugin. This should be no more than 150 chars. No markup here.
2.8.401-03-20162 31600
Discoshare (Ammari Nader)
description plugin | | |
​ Discoshare is a powerful, extendable WooCommerce plugin that helps you amp up that revenue on your good looks alone. ​ ​
few minutes (Fewminutesapp)
description plugin | | |
Few is a new way to discover popular stories by time
TCBD Calculator (Md Touhidul Sadeek)
description plugin | | |
This plugin will enable awesome calculator in your Wordpress theme.
Internal Link Widget (Martino Stenta)
description plugin | | |
Enable a new widget to easily manage internal link to pages.
4.4.201-03-20168 1191003
Great Quotes (Steve Lescure)
description plugin | | |
Randomly displays quotations from a database of about 20,000 quotes. Supports multiple widgets and shortcodes. Responsive.
Deluxe Captcha (AVK)
description plugin | | |
Easiness and effectiveness are the keys for a valid Captcha control. DC generates appealing captcha for your WP blog without compromising usability.
WP DB Cleaner (littlemonks)
description plugin | | |
A wordpress cleaner plugin to help find and remove orphan, duplicate and missing data.
4.4.3201-03-20163 16900
Uploaded file name sanitizer (devliudaseu)
description plugin | | |
Replaces uploaded file name chars which are not in \'a-z\', \'0-9\' and \' \'(space) range.
4.2.729-02-20161 0591001
Upvotr (Liam Gladdy)
description plugin | | |
A WordPress plugin to allow simple upvoting of post objects by a user.
4.4.229-02-20161 17700
İncil Ayet Bulucu (Caleb Maclennan)
description plugin | | |
Ayet referansları linklere dönüştür ve ayeti araçipucu içinde gösterir.
4.4.229-02-20161 74100
Pango Sensei Module Collapse (Pango)
description plugin | | |
Make Sensei modules collapsible
4.4.2529-02-20164 3741005
clubmember (Md. Al-Amin opu)
description plugin | | |
Manage clubmembers.
4.4.229-02-20161 4121001
Featured Post Widget (Stefan Crämer)
description plugin | | |
With the Featured Post Widget you can put a certain post in the focus and style it differently.
4.528-02-201665 106805
Woo Framework Shortcodes (Anand Shah)
description plugin | | |
Easily switch to a non WooThemes theme but retain the framework shortcodes. Use shortcodes from WooFramework in another theme.
4.4.228-02-20162 3321002
DigiPass (Labs64)
description plugin | | |
DigiPass is the best way for publishers and bloggers to monetize their digital content.
4.4.228-02-20161 2461002
AWS SNS Plugin (Muhammad Fayzan Siddiqui)
description plugin | | |
This plugin is created to send push notifications to different devices using Amazon Simple Notification Service.
4.4.228-02-20161 74200
date_query enabler (Ariel Kogan)
description plugin | | |
A plugin to add date_query to the list of allowed filters for the REST API so we can filter by date after/before.
WP Database Fetch (Coders Society)
description plugin | | |
This plugin will allow you to get Posts, Pages, etc from other wordpress websites on…
4.4.2527-02-20162 0931001
Sidebar Adder 2 (Shrikant Dubey)
description plugin | | |
Create sidebar with ease. Built for developer and non-developer.
4.4.2527-02-20164 37600
Society6 Widget (Henrik Norberg)
description plugin | | |
Easily add a store banner to your site
4.4.3227-02-20163 01000
A5 Custom Login Page (Stefan Crämer)
description plugin | | |
Style your login page differently.
4.526-02-2016133 6469624
Pinba Script Name Fix (Frank MacDonald (Waracle))
description plugin | | |
Sends "request_uri" instead of "script_name" to Pinba
Featured Category Widget (Stefan Crämer)
description plugin | | |
The Featured Category Widget is basically a Featured Post Widget for a category.
4.526-02-201628 602845
Category Column (Stefan Crämer)
description plugin | | |
The Category Column does simply, what the name says; it will show excerpts of the latest posts in your sidebar.
4.526-02-201614 4371001
Custom Post Type Relations (Alex Jose)
description plugin | | |
Define relations with different post types in WordPress and access the related posts in the template files.
4.4.226-02-20161 7471002
Advanced Category Column (Stefan Crämer)
description plugin | | |
The Advanced Category Column is a very customizable multi-widget for your sidebar.
4.526-02-201615 0631001
AdSense Targeting (Stefan Crämer)
description plugin | | |
Get the best AdSense Targeting for your Site!
4.526-02-20165 05000
Ads Easy (Stefan Crämer)
description plugin | | |
Ads Easy is the most simple way to integrate some banners into your blog. It works with basically everything and is AdSense optimized.
4.526-02-201614 22700
LeanPress (Igor Benić)
description plugin | | |
LeanPub on WordPress. Import your LeanPub books and view them on your WordPress site. List your coupons and edit them within the admin area.
4.4.226-02-20161 32000
Plugin NameTestedUpdatedDownloadsRating %Rated By
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