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Plugin NameTestedUpdatedDownloadsRating %Rated By
WP Plugin QuickSearch (QUICK SOLUTION)
description plugin | | |
Automatically update the search index of QuickSearch.
Netbiscuits Device Detection (Netbiscuits GmbH)
description plugin | | |
Take advantage of the world's largest device database, within your server code, by adding Netbiscuits Device Detection to your site.
Rich Text Editor Field for Contact Form 7 (Rakhitha Nimesh)
description plugin | | |
Add Rich Text Editor field for Contact Form 7 using WordPress wp-editor.
4.5.2819-04-20167 207827
1Pass (1Pass)
description plugin | | |
Sell articles from any WordPress website instantly
4.4.218-04-20161 4281001
Preview (Preview)
description plugin | | |
Preview allows you to mark annotations and create tickets on any part of your web or design project - so your team and clients can collaborate.
4.518-04-20161 10000
Plagiary Search (SedLex)
description plugin | | |
Find websites that copy/paste your content without authorization.
4.518-04-20164 0501001
Pages Order (SedLex)
description plugin | | |
With this plugin, you may re-order the order of the pages and the hierarchical order of the pages.
4.518-04-201615 858602
Tismy User Profile Upload (Elliott Richmond Square One)
description plugin | | |
Upload your own user profile picture rather than falling back to the default or having your users create a Gravatar account.
4.5.218-04-20163 686965
AdPushup (AdPushup)
description plugin | | |
Maximize your AdSense Ad Revenue!
4.518-04-20164 8701003
List Plugins (SedLex)
description plugin | | |
Create a list of the active plugins in a page (when the shortcode [list_plugins] is found).
4.518-04-20167 999804
Links synthesis (sedLex)
description plugin | | |
This plugin enables a synthesis of all links and the creation of thumbnail for links in an article and retrieves data from them.
4.518-04-20162 3051001
KNVB Api plugin (Jelle de Jong)
description plugin | | |
This plugin can be used for Dutch football clubs with a WordPress wedsite and a API-key for the KNVB data-API: http://www.knvbdataservice.nl/
4.4.318-04-20162 21100
WordPress Mentions Légales (Jean-Baptiste Aramendy)
description plugin | | |
Génère un shortcode avec les mentions légales obligatoires sur les sites internet français.
4.518-04-201617 578565
Wp TrovaPrezzi WordPress / WooCommerce Plugin (WeMiura)
description plugin | | |
Plugin Wordpress che permette di entrare a far parte del mondo TrovaPrezzi.it in maniera semplice e veloce. Funziona con WooCommerce.
4.5.918-04-20161 7541004
Makenewsmail widget (Stian B Pedersen)
description plugin | | |
The Makenewsmail plugin is an extension of the Makenewsmail email marketing app. It adds a signup form for your Makenewsmail subscriberslists.
4.5.3118-04-20161 16900
Advanced Custom Fields: Accordion Tab Field (Bogdan Dragomir)
description plugin | | |
An accordion field that lets you group multiple fields under accordion tabs. This makes a long ACF form break down with style.
4.517-04-201617 856965
Rename Media Files (Milan Dinić)
description plugin | | |
Rename names of media files.
4.517-04-201622 9578411
Page Specific Menu Items (Dharma Poudel (@rogercomred))
description plugin | | |
Allows user to select menu items page wise.
4.517-04-2016103 6629053
ieteikt Draugiem WordPress spraudnis (Rolands Umbrovskis)
description plugin | | |
WordPress plugin for Latvian Social Network Draugiem.lv
4.517-04-20164 24400
GDReseller (Intuitive Design)
description plugin | | |
This plugin helps Godaddy resellers setup a wordpress site to easily interface with their Godaddy Storefront
4.517-04-20163 568664
Legi Display (SedLex)
description plugin | | |
Display French Codes and laws once the XML files are retrieved from ftp://legi@ftp2.journal-officiel.gouv.fr/
Image Zoom (SedLex)
description plugin | | |
Allow to dynamically zoom on images in posts/pages/...
4.517-04-2016148 4738029
Formatting correcter (sedLex)
description plugin | | |
The plugin detects any formatting issues in your posts such as "double space" or any other issues that you may configure and proposes to cor
4.517-04-20163 2051004
FavIcon Switcher (SedLex)
description plugin | | |
This plugin enables multiple favicon based on URL match rules.
4.517-04-201615 91000
Enable Latex (SedLex)
description plugin | | |
Insert LaTeX formulas in your posts.
4.517-04-20168 1361002
Dev Toolbox (SedLex)
description plugin | | |
Every thing you need to efficiently develop a fresh plugin.
4.517-04-20162 4151001
Automatic Ban IP (SedLex)
description plugin | | |
Block IP addresses which are suspicious and try to post on your blog spam comments.
4.517-04-20164 5341002
Attachments Handler (sedLex)
description plugin | | |
Enables the supervision of your attachement, detects duplicates, detects unused files.
4.517-04-20162 4171001
WP Hooks (Andrew M. Whalen)
description plugin | | |
WP Hooks allows you to add JavaScript, CSS, meta tags, etc. to your header and footer without modifying your theme.
4.517-04-20165 78200
Shortcode (Max Pagels)
description plugin | | |
Shortcode is a plugin that adds several useful shortcodes that you can use in your blog posts and pages.
4.2.717-04-201636 82300
WPInvoicexpress Plugin (Rui Cruz @ barbershop.pt)
description plugin | | |
Add finantial information to your Wordpress Dashboard from Invoicexpress.
Really Simple SMS API (omikant, wptutorialspoint)
description plugin | | |
Send SMS notifications when somebody submits your contact form using SMS API.
4.817-04-20161 35700
Woo Elastic Slideshow (omikant, wptutorialspoint)
description plugin | | |
Woo Elastic Slideshow Plugin is for woocommerce Products.
4.817-04-20161 382801
Woo Delivery Rider Management (Nabeel Ahmed)
description plugin | | |
This plugin manages riders for woocommerce orders
Remove Author Pages (Vinicius Pinto )
description plugin | | |
Remove author pages and link authors to home page
4.517-04-201627 023989
Plugin NameTestedUpdatedDownloadsRating %Rated By
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