
Wordslice is a simple plugin to add web slice functionality to your wordpress blog

Author:Luke Niland (profile at wordpress.org)
WordPress version required:2.0.0
WordPress version tested:2.7.1
Plugin version:1.0
Added to WordPress repository:27-05-2009
Last updated:31-05-2009
Warning! This plugin has not been updated in over 2 years. It may no longer be maintained or supported and may have compatibility issues when used with more recent versions of WordPress.
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Plugin URI:http://www.beakersoft.co.uk/WordSlice
Total downloads:530
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Internet Expolrer 8 brought with it a new bit of functionality called webslices. Instead of using traditional RSS feeds to keep up to date with changes to your favorite sites, you can now use a webslice as well.

A webslice will display a section of a website, instead of just a list of text items. As the section of the website gets updated the slice will turn bold to inform the user there has been an update

The first version of this plugin will just go and get the last 7 blog enties and display them in an list. You can easliy change the style sheet included to make the slice reflect the look of your site.

Upcoming versions should be more configurable and have added functionality, this version is just the initial alpha and will be updated based on any feedback people offer.

What i'm looking at Implementing -

  • Ability to configure the plugin so you can tell it what sections to wrap a word slice around
  • Ability to set the size, expiration time and other settings on the slice