Integrate your WordPress with a simple vote plugin with smileys!

This screen shot shows the result in "Horizontal Mode" with auto insert on post and with the default CSS.

This screen shot shows 2 widgets. The first allows us to put the poll wherever we want, and the second shows the most voted.

This screen shot shows the admin panel.

Inside create/edit post/page/custom post you can see who vote this.
Can I set a custom CSS?
Sure!, Go to the admin panel and in the options page for “Simple vote me” you can add your custom CSS.
How to modify it if I want Horizontal or Vertical?
You can set it using the Widget (in the options Widget) or with the shortcodes [simplevoteme type=”v”] for vertical mode, or [simplevoteme type=”h”] for horizontal mode.
What about validation errors, will it still maintain my WP theme?
The plugin uses minimum CSS and inserts valid HTML when necessary.
- Minor update. Fixed an error on PHP-FPM.
- Checked on WordPress 4.6.1.
- Now you can limit the votes by user!
- Columns for pages and custom posts added in admin panel
- You can see who votes but older votes from version 1.2 and less will appear like Annonymous 🙁 (sorry the info wasn’t saved before).
- Added support for custom post and pages. Now you can select which do you want activate.
- Addded an option to show the poll on Home page.
- Minor fixes.
- Capabilities to change color wraps in images (and borders).
- Added option to maintain the default CSS and add minor CSS changes.
- Added capability to set custom images.
- Added title before poll (if you want it).
- Added option to show the poll before or after the content (or both).
- Create the plugin and the basic options!