Sign In With Essentials

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Adds a "Sign in with Google" functionality (Apple Sign In is not yet integrated)

Author:Puvox Software (profile at
WordPress version required:6.0
WordPress version tested:6.7.1
Plugin version:1.4.4
Added to WordPress repository:06-10-2024
Last updated:04-01-2025
Rating, %:100
Rated by:1
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Total downloads:512
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Allow users to login with Google/Microsoft/Apple accounts. Lightweight, no bloatware packages included.
Useful for sites that need a quick way for their users to sign-in.

Available Options

See all available options and their description on plugin’s settings page. Here are some of them:
* Show/Hide the “Sign In with” button on the login form
* If a user is not already registered, during sign-in an account can be created for that email address (aliases are not allowed by default)
* If a user is already logged in to target social provider, they will be automatically redirected without much fuss
* Restrict users to be coming from only specific domain(s)
* Connect existing user accounts.
* WP-CLI available! See /src/includes/class-wp-cli.php header for supported list.
* One redirect-back link https://YOURDOMAIN.TLD/_AUTH_RESPONSE_SIWE_ for all providers.

Programmatic access

Public functions:
* siwe_authenticate_user($code, $state, $error = null)
* siwe_get_auth_url()
* siwe_get_buttons()

* dozens of hooks, look into any source file to find out specific part
