
PuzzleMe™ by Amuse Labs is the best platform to create and publish crossword, sudoku, word…

Author:Amuse Labs (profile at wordpress.org)
WordPress version required:3.9
WordPress version tested:6.4.3
Plugin version:1.1.4
Added to WordPress repository:11-01-2022
Last updated:02-04-2024
Rating, %:100
Rated by:1
Plugin URI:
Total downloads:6 177
Active installs:700+
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PuzzleMe™ by Amuse Labs is the best platform to create and publish smart games like crossword, sudoku, word search, codeword, kriss kross, quiz and many other game types. Use our WordPress plugin to publish your puzzles with just a shortcode.

Start creating and publishing your puzzles in 3 simple steps :
1. Login to a PuzzleMe account.
2. Create a puzzle and copy the WordPress shortcode from the “Preview & Publish” page.
3. Paste the shortcode in your page or post and hit Publish.

PuzzleMe is a registered trademark of Amuse Labs. By using PuzzleMe, you agree to our terms of service and privacy policy.
