Event calendar with registration form & payment options if required to promote & track events. Widget ready – easy to add the calendar to sid
Author: | ParotKefalonia (profile at wordpress.org) |
WordPress version required: | 2.7.0 |
WordPress version tested: | 2.8.4 |
Plugin version: | 0.0 |
Added to WordPress repository: | 06-09-2009 |
Last updated: | 06-09-2009
Warning! This plugin has not been updated in over 2 years. It may no longer be maintained or supported and may have compatibility issues when used with more recent versions of WordPress.
Rating, %: | 0 |
Rated by: | 0 |
Plugin URI: | http://www.parotkefalonia.com |
Total downloads: | 1 624 |
Click to start download |
A few notes about this plugin:
IMPORTANT:PK Aether requires PHP 5.0.0 or greater. PHP 4 was retired on Dec 31, 2007 and it won't be supported.
IMPORTANT: PK Aether is intended for standalone WordPress installations.
Note: You can view screenshots here
NOTE If having activated PK Aether you feel that our Plugin is not quiet for you and that you need it to do a bit more then please contact us. We are happy to customise your plugin to meet your needs. If we feel these changes are a benefit to other users we will not make any charge, otherwise we would make a nominal (which we would agree in advance) charge. Do not hesitate to contact us we are here to help, we want you to use PK Aether and for you to have a tool that truely meets your requirements.
PK Aether is an events calendar with registration form and payment options if required.
Events can be created/attatched to any post - now or edited. You create a new event at the time you create a new post using the "make me an event" administration form that is located in the New or Edit post menu below the main text editing area.
When creating an event you are given a number of options:
- Event name
2 .Type of event (you select from a list)
Announcement, Audition. Banquet, Campus Activity, Candidate Seminarm, Ceremony, Colloquium, Concert, Conference, Deadline, Enrichment, Exam, Exhibition, Festival, Forum, Fundraising, Gathering, Lecture, Meeting, Outreach, Performance, Product launch, Reading, Reception, Recreation, Regional Activity, Screening, Seminar, Sport, Trade show, Training, Podcast, Webinar and Not defined
Registration if registration for an event is required tick the check box
Event Date and time and the event End date and time
Cost p.p - enter a figure if there is a cost attached to the event.
Having created your event press the "make me an event button" and your event will be created.
How the front end works - what the user sees
Visitors to your site will see a monthly calendar (they can move forward and backwards month on month). If an event is scheduled for a specific date then the calendar displays a coloured key over the date with a hyperlink.
Hover over the hyperlink and visitors will be given snapshot of the event (items 1 to 5 above) together with the excerpt (if you use it in your posts).
Click on the date and they are taken to the events post page.
If your event requires registration visitors will be requested to "click to show the registration form" this for montaing the following fields:
First Name (), Last Name (), Company name (if applic.), Address 1 (), Address 2, City (), Region, Zip/Postcode (), E-mail (), No attendees
After completing the form - (*) mandatory fields - the visitor will receive an e-mail confirming registration. You will receive a copy.
If your event has a cost then the form differs with the addition of the cost field. Visitors are then able to make payment via PayPal - if you have set this as an option in the settings panel.
Our Plugins are named after Greek Gods. This plugin is named after Aether, one of the Protogenoi, the first-born elemental gods.
Aether is the personification of the upper sky, space, and heaven, and is the elemental god of the "Bright, Glowing, Upper Air." He is the pure upper air that the gods breathe, as opposed to the normal air mortals breathe