Enhances the checkout experience for WooCommerce stores operating in the Netherlands by integrating address autocomplete functionality.
Author: | Monstackdev (profile at wordpress.org) |
WordPress version required: | 5.0 |
WordPress version tested: | 6.6.2 |
Plugin version: | 1.0.0 |
Added to WordPress repository: | 13-10-2024 |
Last updated: | 13-10-2024 |
Rating, %: | 0 |
Rated by: | 0 |
Plugin URI: | https://addressapi.nl/ |
Total downloads: | 110 |
Click to start download |
The Netherlands Checkout Address Autocomplete for WooCommerce plugin improves the checkout process for WooCommerce stores in the Netherlands. By providing address autocomplete functionality, it accelerates checkout and minimizes address input errors, ensuring a smoother user experience.
Key Features:
- Seamless integration with WooCommerce.
- Autocomplete functionality for Dutch addresses.
- Reduces errors in address input and speeds up checkout.
- Easy to install and configure.
API Key and Usage:
This plugin utilizes addressapi.nl for address validation and autocomplete services. An API key, obtainable from addressapi.nl, is required to use the service. The plugin directly communicates with the API for address validation.
Important: API key verification is managed by addressapi.nl, ensuring users have valid access to address data and services.
Privacy Policy: https://addressapi.nl/privacy-policy
Terms of Service: https://addressapi.nl/terms
This plugin is licensed under GPL v2 or later. For more details, see the GPL v2.0 license.
Developed by Addressapi.