Bulk edit image alt tag, caption & description – WordPress Media Library Helper by Codexin

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Add or edit or Bulk edit image ALT tag, caption & description with one click…

Author:Codexin Technologies (profile at wordpress.org)
WordPress version required:4.8
WordPress version tested:6.3.2
Plugin version:1.3.0
Added to WordPress repository:19-01-2021
Last updated:20-09-2023
Rating, %:98
Rated by:48
Plugin URI:https://wordpress.org/plugins/media-library-h...
Total downloads:102 440
Active installs:10 000+
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If you have a large number of images in your WordPress media library and are concerned about updating their ALT tags, captions, descriptions or titles, worry no more. This plugin allows you to easily modify, delete, or update these elements with just a few clicks directly from the media library page in your WordPress dashboard.

This plugin is the perfect solution to update metadata for multiple images without visiting each edit page. Accessing the WordPress media library page lets you easily view the existing images’ alt tags, captions, descriptions and titles. The plugin also identifies the images without an assigned ALT tag, caption, or description, enabling you to update them quickly and easily with just a few clicks.

On-page SEO is crucial in boosting your website’s SEO score, and assigning proper image ALT tags to every image on your website is critical. With the help of this plugin, you can quickly identify images with empty or blank ALT tags, blank captions or descriptions in your media library and update them to enhance your SEO score.


  1. Add/edit/update the image titles, ALT tag, caption & description with one click directly from WordPress Media Library
  2. Search for a specific SEO keyword assigned to your images as an alt tag, caption or description.
  3. Search for blank or empty ALT tags, captions and descriptions and update/edit as needed.
  4. Sort media library images by ALT tag, image caption or image Description.
  5. Bulk edit image ALT tag or alt attribute
  6. Bulk edit image title
  7. Bulk edit image caption
  8. Bulk edit image description
  9. Improve SEO score by assigning the proper image metadata.

How does this plugin work or How to edit image metadata

  1. Install the plugin “Media Library Helper by Codexin”
  2. From Dashboard, go to media –> Library –> Open the “List View”
  3. Unlock the edit mode. (You will see a button at the top, named “Edit mode is locked”)
  4. Continue updating image ALT text, caption and description as you need.
  5. Once finished, keep the edit mode Locked again.
