jonimo simple redirect

jonimo simple redirect enables you to easily redirect registered users to any page, tag or category when they login or logout.

Author:jonimo (profile at
WordPress version required:3.0.1
WordPress version tested:3.9
Plugin version:1.5
Added to WordPress repository:08-12-2013
Last updated:21-04-2014
Warning! This plugin has not been updated in over 2 years. It may no longer be maintained or supported and may have compatibility issues when used with more recent versions of WordPress.
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jonimo simple redirect helps your users with different roles get to the right place when they login or logout of your WordPress, WooCommerce or BuddyPress site.

  • Set any url (internal or external) to redirect users to on login or logout.
  • Redirect users with specific roles to a location just once, or up to nine times.
  • After a user has been redirected the required number of times on login, they are automatically redirected to a default location
  • The default location is where users will be redirected if no custom location is specified. The default location can be any internal or external url, tag, page or category.
  • On logout redirect users to any internal or external url.
  • Fully compatible with WordPress 3.9 and BuddyPress 1.9.2 You can give your users an experience more similar to popular social networks by redirecting them to their personal profile pages, their 'friends' menu or the activity stream.
  • Fully multisite compatible, giving each site administration control over where the different users of their site are redirected to
  • Extendable and built with developers in mind. It's easy to change the default redirect behaviour using custom filters.

Works with WooCommerce

  • jonimo simple redirect is 100% compatible with Woocommerce, meaning you can login using the woocommerce login form and still redirect users a set number of times to a specific location
  • NEW With Woocommerce -> Example: Redirect each user just once to an offer page on login or logout
  • NEW With Woocommerce -> Example: Redirect each user with a specific role to a set product category just once on login, and then to any other location on logout.
  • NEW With Woocommerce -> Example: Always redirect different users on logout to a thank you for buying screen
  • Free support for 1 year

= Use examples for a none WooCommerce site.

  • On login, redirect subscribers to an welcome page just once, and then to the homepage.
  • On login, redirect users to any url before reverting to the default location the next time a user logs in.
  • On login, redirect BuddyPress users to their profile edit screen a set number of times before redirecting them to their profile.
  • On login, redirect users to a specific blog article just once when they login and then after that to another location.
  • On login, encourage users to accept updates to terms and conditions.
  • Always redirect users to a specific location.
  • On logout, redirect users to any location, including external sites

If you have any questions, or require support, let us know at jonimo
