FormLift – LITE

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Adds a form editor and WordPress shortcode support to easily add Infusionsoft forms to your website.

Author:Adrian Tobey (profile at
WordPress version required:4.9
WordPress version tested:6.6.1
Plugin version:7.5.19
Added to WordPress repository:16-08-2016
Last updated:17-07-2024
Rating, %:92
Rated by:12
Plugin URI:
Total downloads:34 242
Active installs:600+
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What does it do? See The Features List

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Not technically inclined? Launch Guided Setup

Simply put, this is the easiest, fastest, and most user friendly solution to putting Infusionsoft Web Forms on your website. FormLift’s 5 minute setup time allows you to install this plugin and run, not walk. It takes 30 seconds to create a new form and place it on your site!

The Free version hosted on WordPress allows for amazing functionality that will make any Infusionites nightmares disappear in seconds…

Unlicensed Features

  • Over 45 global styling options
  • Forms auto populate with contact info From emails
  • Form Validation and spam protection
  • Conversion Rate Tracking
  • Personalized Page Short-codes for thank you pages
  • Import form directly via the Infusionsoft API, no copy/pasting
  • Customizable Date Picker that actually works
  • Personal Identifiable Information protection to keep your contacts’ data safe.

But if you want to unlock the full automation power of FormLift, you can start your 14 day free trial right now to unlock even more tools!

Premium Features

  • Auto population link builder
  • Conditional Thank You Page Redirect Creator Tool
  • In form Google reCAPTCHA integration, works better than the native Infusionsoft one.
  • Individual Form Styling
  • Conditional Form Display Tool
  • Require login for submit
  • File Uploads from your web form

FormLift empowers regular IFS forms by keeping all the native affiliate tracking & contact tracking intact while allowing you to finally have good looking webforms on your website.

See how easy it is to get setup today!

Want extra functionality? Level up with extensions!


FormLift, like many other form plugins, collects personally identifiable information to improve a user’s experience,
provide them with marketing, transactional emails, and so on and so forth.

With the MANY compliance initiatives out there such as GDPR, it is important to understand the following BEFORE using formlift
for your business.

FormLift is used expressly for Infusionsoft, an SMB marketing CRM based in Pheonix Arizona. Infusionsoft maintains the compliance of your business
with regards to Personally identifiable information in MOST cases, but not all.

FormLift has several functions you will either want to disable, or enable depending on your industry or region of the world.

Data Collection

When a user submits a form, that data is sent to YOUR server for validation and is not necessarily stored.
MOST data collected with FormLift after a submission is sent to Infusionsoft where it is stored and is then forgotten by your website EXCEPT in the following cases.

Session Tracking

This feature comes with FormLift and is enable automatically, it allows the persistence of user data from page to page without having to pass UTM variables, almost as if the user is logged in.
These sessions are used on secure connections only (SSL) hence if you do not have an SSL certificate this feature will be disabled.
This session is stored in your database following the last interaction with the user for 30 days until it expires and is removed automatically.
Depending on your level of compliance, you may wish to disable this feature which you can do in the settings, OR you may specify the number of days the user’s information is stored to a smaller number, like 1 day which would be enough for most browsing sessions.


FormLift uses cookies to track user interactions, such as the above session tracking, form submissions, or other form interactions.

Saved Submissions

This is a premium module, but if you have it enabled there can be serious compliance issues if you are medical practitioner in Canada and in the United States in some cases.

File Uploads

This premium feature may store files on your server indefinitely. You may turn off this feature in the settings if you have this module installed.


There is a special field you can add to your forms called GDPR which will automatically make your forms GDPR compliant.


FormLift is NOT HIPAA compliant by default. You can make FormLift HIPAA compliant by installing an SSL certificate and disabling “Session Tracking” and “Saved Submissions”.

API Connection

  • OAuth : If you are connected to Infusionsoft via the Oauth method, your authentication Tokens are passed through an intermediary server “” No personal information is ever passed through this medium however. Hence all API calls made with FormLift are communicated to Infusionsoft Directly with the exception of refreshing tokens and the initial authentication request.
  • API Usage: Anonymous API usage statistics are collected if you use the OAuth Method.
  • Legacy: If you are connected to Infusionsoft via the Legacy Method, all API calls are made to Infusionsoft directly and “” is not involved. No usage statistics are collected.
  • Methods: The only API methods FormLift uses are for the uploading of Files to a contact’s FileBox and the retrieval of WebForms. FormLift will never “retrieve” information from Infusionsoft.

Infusionsoft or other CRMs

Infusionsoft or whichever CRM you use with FormLift is the primary holder of Information collected with FormLift. To ensure you are compliant in regard to the storage of information, please consult them if it’s beyond the scope of the above.
