dialotel plugin custom integration
Author: | Amir kacem (profile at wordpress.org) |
WordPress version required: | 5.2 |
WordPress version tested: | 5.8.2 |
Plugin version: | 2.9.7 |
Added to WordPress repository: | 10-08-2020 |
Last updated: | 09-12-2021
Warning! This plugin has not been updated in over 2 years. It may no longer be maintained or supported and may have compatibility issues when used with more recent versions of WordPress.
Rating, %: | 0 |
Rated by: | 0 |
Plugin URI: | |
Total downloads: | 1 579 |
Active installs: | 100+ |
![]() Click to start download |
The plugin essentially makes a remote request (POST) to a service URL to get data using [dialotel] (https://www.dialotel.fr) web service.
Communication between application and web service uses the method
POST of the HTTP protocol. Our methods return the results in JSON format.
Technical documentation of the consultant recovery web service
getListConsultant\” method
URL: https://secure.ab-plus.com/webservices/cabinet/general/getListConsultant.php
Description: Returns the list of consultants.
Input data :
Fields Description Note
* suid Code to identify the firm.
Type: string Ex: gf55687d221e53s3jh3kh
* type
Filter on the type of consultants returned.
Type: string
Possible values :
all: dismiss all consultants from the firm and synergies
synergies: dismissing all consultants in synergy
firm: dismissal of all consultants from the firm
* comSynergy Indicates whether to retrieve feedback from synergy consultants
Type: thong
Possible values :
on: comments are returned
off: comments are not returned
idVoyant (optional) If this parameter is filled in, only the data of the selected consultant will be returned.
Type: int
The value of this field corresponds to the value of the “idVoyant” field returned in a global query.
call: (optional) Indicates the type of call to be posted.
Type: string
cb: Only CB calls
audio : Only Audiotel calls
all : CB calls + Audiotel
If the field is omitted, the type of call to be counted will be CB calls.
getStatusConsultant method
URL: https://secure.ab-plus.com/webservices/cabinet/general/getEtatConsultant.php
Description: Returns the status of a consultant.
Input data :
Fields Description Note
* suid Code to identify the firm.
Type: string Ex: gf55687d221e53s3jh3kh
* idViewer Consultant ID
Type: int
The value of this field corresponds to the value of the “idVoyant” field returned in a getListConsultant query.
dialotel [Privarcy Policy] (https://www.dialotel.fr/mentions_legales.html)
shortcode attbuites:
pagination : [dial_voyants pagination=”9″]
country : [dial_voyants lang=”be”] (options: fr,be,su)
Call : [dial_voyants call=”cb”] (options: all,cb,audio)
Type : [dial_voyants type=”cabinet”] (options: tous,cabinet,synergies)
sidebar : [dial_voyants type=”cabinet”] (options: on,off)
autheir audiotel = [autheir_voyants]
[dial_voyants pagination=”9″ lang=”fr” call=”all” type=”tous” ,sidebar=”off”]