Automate Dropshipping for B2BDropshipper(WWTech)

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Automate Dropshipping for B2BDropshipper(WWTech) plugin provides fully integration with woocommerce to automate import products and…

Author:Team Midriff (profile at
WordPress version required:
WordPress version tested:5.6.14
Plugin version:3.0.7
Added to WordPress repository:25-03-2020
Last updated:02-02-2021
Warning! This plugin has not been updated in over 2 years. It may no longer be maintained or supported and may have compatibility issues when used with more recent versions of WordPress.
Rating, %:100
Rated by:1
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Total downloads:2 136
Active installs:10+
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Automate Dropshipping for B2BDropshipper(WWTech) plugin provides fully integration with woocommerce to automate import products and manage orders.

Features And Options:

  • Automatically Import Products From WWTech B2B Dropshipping to your woo-commerce store with cronjob.

  • Automatically Fulfill Orders Once orders have been shipped, tracking details will be automatically extracted by WWIT and fulfilled in woocomerce.

  • Customize Imported Products Edit imported products as you wish: change titles, descriptions, images, etc.!

  • Automatic Inventory Management and prices manage.
