Ad Commander is a complete ad management plugin for WordPress. With Ad Commander, users can quickly create custom banner image ads, Google AdSense ads, Amazon Associates ads, and ads for other affiliate ad networks.
Create groups of rotating banner ads or randomly displaying ads. Insert ads with shortcodes, template tags, blocks, or automatic placements. Inject scripts into the header or footer of your site.
AdSense users: Ad Commander integrates directly with your AdSense account to make implementing AdSense and AMP ads quick and easy. Simply connect an account and choose from a searchable, sortable list of ad units. Alternatively, build your ads manually or paste in code.
Some key features of Ad Commander include:
Create individual ads or groups of randomizing, rotating, or manually sorted ads
AdSense ad type with direct AdSense account integration, manually built ad units, or simple code pasting
Track impressions and clicks and generate reports for ads
Support for AMP ads with amp-pixel and amp-analytics tracking
Inject ads or groups using shortcodes, template tags, blocks, or automatic placements
Conditionally display ads with content targeting options
Display required labels above ads
Add custom code before and after ads or groups
Dynamically create an ads.txt and manage it in the WordPress admin
Ad Commander core supports server-side rendering. Many caching plugins offer fragmented caching. This could be used to make Ad Commander’s server-side rendering compatible with page caching. The implementation of fragmented caching varies between caching plugins and is not directly supported by Ad Commander, but may be possible to implement with developer assistance.
Ad Commander Pro offers three rendering methods: Server-side rendering, Client-side rendering, and Smart (combination) rendering. Client-side and Smart rendering are designed to work with page caching and all visitor targeting methods.
Do I need to edit my theme to insert ads?
Nope! Ads and groups can be inserted into your site using automatic placements, shortcodes, or blocks.
Can I manually insert ads and groups into my site or theme files?
Yes! Individual shortcodes or PHP template tags can sometimes be a better solution than automatic placements, depending on your specific site layout and circumstances. Both are available for ads and groups, and can be added to your theme files if desired.
Will Ad Commander work with AdSense?
Yes. Ad Commander offers multiple ways to insert AdSense ads. These include direct integration, manually building ads, or pasting code from your account. Ad Commander also supports AdSense auto ads and AMP Ads.
Will Ad Commander work with my ad network?
Ad Commander supports inserting any script code using the Text or Code ad type. These ads can be inserted within your site or placed in the site head or body using automatic placements. The flexibility of this approach should allow any ad network to be used on your site. If you have trouble with a specific ad network, please reach out to support for help.
Can Ad Commander require consent before displaying ads?
Yes. Ad Commander does not create consent banners but can monitor a cookie and display ads after it exists.
The cookie name and value are unique to your consent management system and are specified in Ad Commander’s settings. After your visitor accepts, ads will display as long as the consent cookie exists.
Consent management works best with client-side or smart rendering available in Ad Commander Pro. This feature will also work with server-side rendering, but there are some caveats (see documentation).
Which versions of PHP is Ad Commander compatible with?
Ad Commander and Ad Commander Pro are tested on PHP 7.4 – PHP 8.1. Support for PHP 8.2 is currently in beta but has no known issues at this time.