Autoping Norway

Pings some Norwegian and international ping service.

Author:Knut Sparhell (profile at
WordPress version required:2.7
WordPress version tested:2.9.2
Plugin version:2.6.3
Added to WordPress repository:05-03-2009
Last updated:10-06-2010
Warning! This plugin has not been updated in over 2 years. It may no longer be maintained or supported and may have compatibility issues when used with more recent versions of WordPress.
Rating, %:73
Rated by:3
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Total downloads:2 591
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This plugin is dying. Update to disable functions and services no longer avaiable.

BUT: This plugin may add a few ordninary XML-RPC pingback services. Currently included:

  • Twingly
  • Bloggoversikten
  • Bloggurat
  • Technorati
  • Google BlogSearch


  • The Twingly services is a special services which re-pings your posts to several affiliated newspaper web editions. Hence, if you link to a newspaper article published online, your blog post will be listed and linked from that article.
  • Bloggoversikten and Bloggurat are other Norwegian blog search, list and aggregating sites.
  • Technorati and Google BlogSearch are blog search and overview sites.

This plugin lets you easily add or remove these services without copying and pasting their ping-URL into the 'Ping services' field onthe 'Options - Writing' page.